CHAPTER TWENTY - An Unexpected Mayhem

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Faisal glowered at the man before him, cowering in fear.

"Read" He pushed the papers before him to them and reclined against his chair.

The first man took hold of the papers with shaky hands.

"I... I didn't notice Sir. I checked everything Yes...yesterday and it was fine." He stammered.

"Read." Faisal repeated, seething in anger, and asking Allah for patience.

The man swallowed hard, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead, and began to read, stammering.

"Sequel to your negligence towards the protection of lives and property of Faisal Natural and Liquidated Gas, we are hereby..."

He looked at his boss


He dropped the paper and went on his knee, the other men, his subordinates followed suit.

Immediately, Faisal came to his feet.

"Sir please... Please don't terminate my appointment. I have six children to feed." Their leader pleaded.

"Sadly, the deceased has lost all opportunity to say the same thing." Faisal said.

"Sir... Please... Please. I really checked everything before shutting down yesterday... I..."

But Faisal was done talking. He walked around his table, picked his phone which had been ringing and just before ire he answered it, he said to the man on his knee before him.

"Your knees are for only Allah. And you are fired. Such gross incompetence has cost a good man's life and also this company a great deal. You, Mr. Hamza should be grateful I am not making you pay the compensation to the bereaved family."

With that, he stomped out of the office.

Faisal answered the call, then. It was his lawyer.

"Talk to me."

"They don't want to take the money."

What money? The guy had obviously acted beyond his powers.

"Mus'aaaaaab?" He called in warning.

"What did you do?"

There was silence from the other end for a while and then the man sighed.

"I.... Tried to keep them quiet."

"Mus'ab!" Faisal raised an alarm

"Don't you understand what this would do to your companies? It's best if they just take the money and keep quiet, sir." He defended.

"You are fired Mus'ab." Faisal said as he stepped on his accelerator.


Faisal ended the call.

If there were two people Faisal Abdurrahman hated, they were people who did not take their responsibilities with due diligence and those who shied away from the consequences of their actions.

Faisal Abdurrahman was neither. Even Umar RA had lifted the food of the neglected woman on his own shoulders in fear of Allah's questioning. Faisal Abdurrahman would face the consequences of his negligent leadership, and anyone who tried to hide their mistake under any shade was not of him.

He drove straight to the berieved's home.

Mr. Farhan, the deceased had been a dedicated staff of the factory for 15years. He was the one in charge of the keys to the factory and locked it up after everyone left.

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