Chapter 4

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My feet touched the cold hardwood floor just as they did in my dream. I approached the door with more caution. It was just a stupid dream, nothing more. I shouldn't be acting so paranoid. I just moved here. There's no way the Ghostface knows I'm here.

I swallowed my fear and opened the door in hopes that I did not look like a mess. After a nap, I probably do. I can just brush my hair real quick once I let Jed in.

My hand hesitated to touch the door nob. It hesitated so bad that I had to look through the peephole just to make sure. I peeked through to see my suspicions were correct. Jed stood on the front step patiently. He was looking around the house. He's probably just taking it all in. I quickly opened the door, hoping I didn't take to long with my paranoia.

"Hey Jed." I smiled and stepped out of the way so he could step in, "Please come in."

I got flashbacks to my dream. Jed even stood the same way Ghostface had. Stop thinking about it. It was just a dream. I've never had this experience before, though. It felt like I knew deep down something was wrong. Like my fight or flight senses were kicking in.

"Hey, Y/N." Jed walked into the house and looked at me with a sweet smile. A smile that could be on the cover of a magazine.

"Thank you so much for coming over," I started speaking, "any help is much appreciated."

"Of course. Where would you like me to start?" He asked.

I haven't really thought of that. Though I already like Jed, he is still like a stranger to me and it felt weird to just have a stranger in my house. Maybe I could just make it easy for us.

"We can just start in the living room together." I looked through the unsorted boxes for anything that would go in the living room. The good news was that I didn't have a lot of stuff to move in since I lived with my mom.

Jed and I started going through some things. I only had a few decorations, some that needed hanging and some that we could just set down. Overall, the living room did not take much time to complete. He asked me where things would go and we even spoke together to find out the best place for each item.

"That seemed way to simple. Need help with anything else?" Jed was right. The room went by so fast but I did not want to ask him for any more help.

"I should be good."

"At least let me help with the kitchen? Unpacking a whole house is a lot of work for just one person." Jed smiled sweetly, "and maybe we could get to know each other better."

"If you want to, sure." I walked with him to the kitchen that was next to the living room. Jed was looking around the house and seemed interested in the windows. I thought it was weird, but maybe he was planning on moving himself and just wanted to see what I settled for.

"So how much do you know about the Ghostface?" Jed said out loud while we both carried boxes to the kitchen.

"I know he's a stalker who kills people and takes pictures of them. I also know all about his last murder, I need to write an article about it by tomorrow night." I stated.

"Tomorrow night? You just moved in." Jed seemed concerned for me.

"It's fine, I'm a fast writer anyway." I shot a smile his way so he knows not to worry.

"Do you think Ghostface is a boy or girl?" I asked him. It was random but I was thinking about it earlier. That and Jed probably knows the most about Ghostface.

"A boy." His answer was short and simple.

"The voice changer is male. Maybe they're just covering it up. Sound like a man, you know?"

"Trust me," Jed chuckled, "Ghostface is a guy. I've done my research."

"If you say so." He seemed very adamant about his answer.

With some more talk on the Ghostface, the kitchen was finished, and I was officially creeped out. I felt safe when Jed was here, but when he leaves, nothing could protect me from Ghostface. Not after all the information jed told me. He knows so much about the murders that he should be a detective investigating them.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N." Jed said while he was going out the door.

"See you tomorrow." I smiled with a quick wave.

Once the door was shut, I felt alone. I was alone, but I didn't want to feel that way. Jed had this weird way of lighting up the room. I already missed it.

I should start on my article.

I found myself back on the couch with a nice warm drink beside me while my fingers started typing away. Starting an article is always the hardest thing to do. You have to grab the readers' attention while not being to dramatic.

'The Ghostface strikes again in a gruesome way.' No thats to cliche. I erased the line and started again.

'Ghostface back on the hunt'

'Another victim find'

'Father death kills again'

Everything I wrote felt off. I wanted a great article for my first assignment. I did not want to let anybody down with this one. Except it was so hard to start.

"Ugh." I sighed and leaned down against the couch. I rubbed my eyes with my hands when a familiar sound could be heard.

A click from a camera. Or at least that's what I thought I heard. I was tired and thinking about news articles all day. The click was just in my imagination, right?

It couldn't be. Ghostface takes pictures. This could not be a coincidence.

I couldn't just call the cops over such a small sound. There was someone I could call that I already know is close by.


I hope you like the story so far :)
Do you guys like the new name and cover? I think it's much better than the last one

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