Chapter 26

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"These ones are good for breakfast. They're healthy and taste good." Jed pointed out a box of cereal.

"Taste good? Are you my grandma?" I laughed as I grabbed the box beside it. One that wasn't as healthy but tastes so much better.

"I might as well be your grandma if it took you this long to go shopping." Jed scolded me in a light tone.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'm here now, though."

Jed smiled at my reaction, and we continued to walk around the store. Jed helped me pick a few things. His help was actually much more appreciated than I thought. I was expecting to just have a normal shopping trip. Not only did Jed help, but he also made it fun. We joked around the whole time. It was constant laughs with him around.

At the end of the trip, Jed drove me back to the gazette. He helped me pack all the things out of his car and into mine.

"Are you sure you don't need my help? There are a lot of things to bring in." Jed said while he placed the last item in my trunk.

"I've got it from here. Thanks for your help, Jed." I gave him a warm smile as I closed the trunk and moved to the side of my car.

"Goodnight, Y/N." Jed stepped close to me and surprised me with a hug. I gladly hugged back, resting my head on his shoulder for the small amount of time.

"Goodnight, Jed." We pulled apart, Jed giving me a small wave as he walked back to his car.

I couldn't stop thinking about that moment the entire way home. A stupid grin was glued to my face while I drove. Eventually, I made it back. I left the food in the trunk for a moment, giving me time to open the front door and prop it so I don't have to struggle every time I come back.

I then went to the car and grabbed the first two bags of groceries, taking them inside and into the kitchen. I placed the bags on the counter, turning around just to have my heart drop.

"Fuck." I stopped moving, placing a hand on my chest while I calmed myself down. "Saying something would have been nice." I say as I look into the mask of the Ghostface.

I waited for a moment but he didn't say anything. Was he upset that I hugged Jed or something? Did he change his mind about our deal?

"What?" I asked, stepping away from him. My once settled heartbeat started to rise again as the killer didn't say or do anything. He tilted his head as he watched me move, taking a step towards me.

"What are you doing?" I asked again when he still didn't answer. He took more steps towards me, each one more rushed than the last.

My eyes caught a glimpse of the knife in his hands. What happened? What made it all switch so fast? It went from him cooking me dinner to wanting to kill me.

I moved almost as fast as he did. He lunged forward, and I moved to the side. The knife stabbed right into the counter where I was once standing. I shoved Ghostface to the side, making him fall against the stove. While he was getting up, I took the time to run. I went into the living room and to the front door that was wise open.

Before I could get out, Ghostface grabbed me from the waist and pulled me back inside. He threw me to the ground, slamming the door shut behind him. I kicked my legs, scooting away from him on the floor. He stood above me with a menacing stance, knife in hand.

I wanted to snap him out of it and ask why he was doing this to me, but I figured it would be much better to just survive. He held the knife above him with both of his hands. The position is much easier to escape than the last time he tried to kill me. Is this a test? Why would he act so differently?

I kicked at his leg, making him stumble. That gave me enough time to get up and sprint away once more. This time, I had a plan. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. My hands were shaking, and my knuckles turned white as I grabbed onto the knife. I slashed it at Ghostface the second he entered the room, cutting his arm. He moved back, holding his knife out towards me.

"What are you doing?" I asked again, feeling brave with the knife in my hand.

"Guess. You really thought I wouldn't come back to kill you?" His voice sounded just as it did the day he attacked me. The voice changer smooth and calm but slightly breaks and turns to static when his voice gets louder.

He didn't let me say another word, thrusting his hand forward. His knife stabbed into my side, making me scream out in pain. He applied so much force that I fell backward onto the ground. My knife fell out of my hand on impact, sliding away from me.

"You're not so lucky this time." The Ghostface leaned closer to my face. He pulled the knife out of my side in an aggressive manner. I watched as he moved the knife right above my throat, ready to slit it.

I was so close to just closing my eyes and accepting my fate, but I couldn't. I couldn't stop fighting. Even if the odds aren't in my favor. I reached over to where my knife had fallen. I couldn't see it at all. My arm moved back and forth, reaching as far as I could without the Ghostface noticing.

Finally, my fingers found the very tip of the blade. I put pressure on it so I could grab it. The pressure made the blade cut into my fingers, slicing me open the closer it got.

"Goodbye." Ghostface stated, bringing the knife way too close to my neck.


Sorry for the cliffhanger.
Also, I'm so scared that at some point I'll write down Danny instead of Jed

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