Chapter 42

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The floorboard squeaked under my foot the second I stepped into the house. In fact, each floorboard seemed squeaky.

"Well, that's perfect." Danny said while walking inside behind me, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"What about this is perfect?" My voice sounded just as bothered and uncomfortable as I felt. I couldn't help but put my hands on my hips.

"The sounds of the house betray you. I'll know where you are at all times when you live here." Danny said with a sinister smile while approaching me slowly. His walk was like a predator about to pounce on its prey. I backed up in response until my back hit the wall.

"Danny?" I couldn't form a sentence. I didn't know what to say, what to ask that would kick out the look in his eyes.

"Not Danny. Can't have my real name here." He said while only getting closer until he was fully in my space. Just then, he pressed his lips against my forehead, pressing a kiss against me. Pulling away to whisper in my ear. "That name better not come out of your mouth again."

"What am I supposed to call you?" My eyes trailed up from his neck, to his jawline, and landed on his eyes, watching as they dilate. My eyebrows vaulted upwards, arching high on my forehead in a clear display of fear and uncertainty.

"Jack. That's the new name." Danny seemed to back off slightly, giving me more space than he was before.

"Jack? Why Jack?" I asked, still staying with my back pushed up against the wall.

"Had to think of a name, and The Shining was on." Danny shrugged as he walked away from me.

"You decided to name yourself after the killer in The Shining?" I asked with a raised brow and a slight glare of confusion.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Danny laughed at his own joke while getting the suitcases and bringing them through the house to where I assume the bedroom was. He, of course, made sure to lock the door beforehand.

The house was small, only one floor, but it possibly had a basement that I hadn't found the stairs to yet. So I started to look around. The floorboards yelling and crying under my feet every step. Danny definitely knows where I am at all times. The thought alone didn't help ease my anxiety.

"The kitchen is just down this hall here..." I jumped when Danny once again sneaked up on me. Why can't the Ghostface just make himself known for once before scaring the life out of me. Danny definitely noticed my jump, placing his hands on my shoulders to keep me still while he talked.

"Bedroom just here." He said while his knuckles hit against a closed door. "Living room and bathroom just the other way, and we have ourselves a nice office."

"What about these?" I asked while finally finding stairs that go down.

"You know better than to wander into a serial killers basement, darling." Danny had a sinister grin while looking down at me. "It'll be locked. So don't get curious."

I watched as Danny left me and went towards the stairs, shutting a door over them and locking it shut with keys that were on the same ring as the keys to the front door. If I could have a chance to escape this place, it's getting those keys. That wouldn't be an easy task.

"Come here." Danny held his hand out to me, expecting me to take it.

I was hesitant but knew he would take my hand if I didn't just give in, so I did. My hand was placed lightly against his palms just for him to grab onto it and lead me into the bedroom.

Once I walked through the door, I could smell the stench of cigarettes and the cleaning supplies the previous owners used to try and failed to clean it.

Most of the house was empty besides a few necessities in the kitchen. The bedroom also had some furniture. Just a large bed in the center along with a wardrobe in the corner with a single window dividing the two.

"The previous homeowners left a few things behind. Lucky us, huh?" Danny said while standing behind me, his head on top of mine and his arms wrapping around my shoulders to pull my back against his chest. It's moments like these that made me wish I was here under different circumstances. I would have followed Jed to the end of the world. But Jed was gone. Long gone. Now all that remains is Danny and his newfound personality, 'Jack'.

"Come help me." Danny said, going around me while pulling me with him towards the bathroom. He paused for a moment to grab a box from a suitcase while he kept going. I only saw the box for a second, but it looked like hair dye?

"What's that?" I asked once we finally got to the bathroom. Danny stood in front of the mirror when he revealed the box to me. I was right. It was black hair dye.

"They'll never stop looking for us. Chances of them finding us here are slim, but I'm not going to put us in any sort of danger." Danny stated while looking at me through the mirror.

"So you want to dye your hair black to change your appearance?" I finished his explanation.

"Yes, and give you a haircut." He said while pulling out a pair of scissors that I didn't even see him grab.

"But didn't the neighbors already see us?" I asked, my eyes not leaving the sharp tool that was in his hands. I didn't trust him at all, and I sure as hell didn't trust him with anything sharp. It's not like I had much of a choice.

"I'll have to gas light them later. Usually, I do this beforehand, but you caught on too quickly, and we needed to get on the road immediately." Danny explained while opening the box dye. I doubt it would last long, but I'm sure Danny would replace it once his real hair starts to show.


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