Chapter 45

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I found myself standing on the front step of the neighbors porch. My hands were jittering as I stood beside Danny. That's when I realized he must have a fake last name.

"What's your last name?" I whispered to him as he rang the doorbell.



"Our last name." Danny smiled over at me before returning his eyes to the door. "And it'll be... hmm, something simple. How about Smith?"

"Don't we have to be engaged for us to have the same last name?" I said while making a mental note to remember the name Smith.

"That's the fun part. This is a fresh start. We can be whatever we want to be." Danny reached over, putting an arm around my shoulders to pull me into his side. I opened my mouth to complain but couldn't speak because of the door opening. I shut my mouth and replaced it with a fake smile.

"Oh, you must be the new neighbors." A girl with two red braids on each side of her head opened the door.

"The new neighbors are here?" A male voice came from behind her. The sound is getting closer until a man reveals himself behind the woman. He had short black hair along with a pair of glasses on his face.

"Yes, I am Jack Smith, and this is my finance, Tiffany." Danny led the conversation, holding his hand out to them with the friendly smile plastered on his face.

"It's nice to meet you." The woman grabbed onto Danny's hand, shaking it firmly. "I'm Meg, and this is my roommate, Dwight."

"Nice to meet you too." Danny's hand was released as it returned to his side. He nudged me with his shoulder, giving me the opportunity to speak.

"I'm Tiffany... like he said." I awkwardly spoke up, holding my hand out just like Danny did before. Meg took it in her hand, shaking it just as aggressively as she did before.

"Welcome to the neighborhood. What brings you out here?" Dwight continued the small talk.

'Well, actually, I got kidnapped and taken here against my will where I am forced to change my hair and my name along with getting threatened about everything I say and do. Oh, also, don't forget that my captor is supposed to be my fiance, who says he loves me even though he had no problem stabbing me before.' I wanted to say, but stayed quiet and let Danny take over.

"We like smaller neighborhoods and enjoyed the beautiful area." He said while putting his arm around me once more. His hand brushed my arm that was further away from him as he pulled me into his side.

"This is a great place to be." I jumped at a sudden voice behind me, looking back to see two women.

"Mikaela, Sable, you guys came at the perfect time." Meg smiled at the two. "This is Jack and Tiffany Smith. They moved into the house in between us."

"It's so nice to meet you two, I'm Mikaela, and this is my friend Sable." The two had similar Gothic themed style, definitely standing out in the best way possible.

"It's nice to meet you too." Danny responded. I was getting tired of this conversation. It was far too bland, and it's not like I can do anything here to escape. I could just say 'hey I need help,' but let's be honest here, Danny would kill everyone in a flash and would probably kill me too. The Ghostface doesn't let things slide and will hunt down anyone who knows any single thing about him. Not to mention the fact that he could vanish before the cops arrive and nobody but me knows his actual name.

"We better get going, have a lot of unpacking to do. We'll see you around." Danny said while placing a hand on my lower back, pushing slightly to guide me away from the neighbors home. Finally, I can get out of this conversation.

"Of course, have a good rest of your day." Meg called out after us as we left, walking back to our home.

I glanced across the street to see a man standing there. He stood in front of what I assumed was his home with his arms crossed. He had no hair and dark skin.

"Go inside." Danny whispered to me, pushing on my back slightly the second he noticed the man standing there.

"D- Jack, who is that?" I doubt the neighbors could hear us anymore, but I used his fake name just in case they could.

"Just go inside." Danny returned his eyes to me, not noticing the man approaching us.

"She doesn't need to go inside. Herman Carter, and you are?" He spoke while holding a hand out to me.

"Tiffany -" I spoke, reaching out for his hand before getting cut off and pushed out of the way by Danny, who was now standing between me and the man.

"We had a deal." Danny said while crossing his arms.

"And I'll keep my word. I just want to meet the girl who changed your heart." Herman leaned to the side so he could see me. "You have a lovely lady with you. Have a good day, D."

Just like that, the man left. Danny was quick to walk backward, purposefully walking into me as he pushed me towards the house. I obliged, going straight to the front door. Danny unlocked it and stepped inside, letting me in as well before locking it behind us.

"I have so many questions." I said while putting my hands on my hips. "First, did you name me after a doll? Second, who the hell was that guy?"

"What? Not a fan of the bride of Chucky?" Danny faced me with a grin and a chuckle. "And that guy... he's a doctor."

"And what else?" I asked as Danny shrugged while walking past me, obviously ignoring my question. "Danny, you were far too protective over me for him to just be a doctor."

With a sigh, Danny turned to me once more. "He's a serial killer, sweetheart."


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