Chapter 28

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The hospital felt cold and dark. Even though I was recovering well, I still had a terrible feeling. Ghostface was strong. It felt weird that he died that quickly. Something is wrong, I just know it.

My side was heavily bandaged every day. I feel like I've been here forever even though it's only day three. Jed has come over every day, checking up on me. He's far too nice to me.

"How are you feeling?" Jed walked into the room, coming to my side with a flower. He put the new flower in a vase with all the other flowers he had brought. He brought a new kind of flower every time.

"I'm feeling better now that you're here." I smile, looking at the new flower and appreciating how it matched the other ones.

"I'd hate to put a damper on your good mood, but Henry wanted me to give you a message." Jed positioned the flower perfectly before kneeling beside my bed, "Don't worry about your last article. You wrote enough of it, and it's already gone through editing. He does, however, want you to write about your last attack."

"I would expect that." I leaned my head back against the pillow, pondering if I should write this article. My job is probably on the line, but with Ghostface gone, at least I won't get stabbed for not writing.

"You don't have to do this, you know. Not if you're uncomfortable with it." Jed noticed my annoyance and placed a hand gently on my shoulder.

"I'll think about it. This shouldn't be that bad. I mean, I did kill the Ghostface." My words had a happy tone, but my face showed the opposite.

"What's wrong?" Of course, Jed noticed my expression.

"Something just feels so wrong. You might think I'm crazy, but I don't know if I believe the Ghostface is actually dead." I looked straight ahead of me, avoiding Jed's gaze.

"I would like to believe you Y/N... but I saw Ace's body. I don't doubt your intuition, but Ace is dead." Jed's voice spoke calmly in my ear.

"The nurse said you will be let out in a few hours. I said I'll give you a ride home." Jed stood up fully, hovering over me.

"Thank you." I finally looked over at him with a smile. I don't know how I would handle this without Jed around.

Time Skip

Jed's car pulled up to my house. It made a chill go down my spine, looking at the place where I was attacked twice. Jed parked in front of the house and got out of the cat quickly. My legs weren't hurt, but the pain from my side made it hard to walk. Any movement made it feel like I was stabbed all over again. At least I'll have a cool scar when this is all over.

Jed opened my door and helped me stand up. He pulled my right arm over his shoulders and supported me all the way to the front door. He quickly unlocked the door with my keys and helped me inside.

I whimpered as I laid down on the couch. Who knew getting stabbed would hurt this much? The doctor said it would feel better soon, but for now, I just have to take things easy.

The sun was starting to set, making the clouds a bright orange glow that poured through the windows and filled the house. It was getting late and I know Jed can't stay here. He's not going to sleep on the floor like Ghostface has previously.

I can't believe I would think this way, but I almost missed Ghostface. Not the murder of course, but the charm he would always bring. The way he would take care of me and come see me every night. I know it wasn't meant to be. I wasn't meant to be alive, and yet here I am.

"Are you alright? Do you have everything you need?" Jed asked after he got me a glass of water.

"I'm okay, you don't need to stay here." I gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'll be back tomorrow morning. Please do not hesitate to call me. I don't care if it's four in the morning, I'll be here in the blink of an eye." Jed kneeled down. His face was close to mine.

"Thank you, Jed. Really. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Don't mention it." His tone was hushed. I noticed his eyes scan down my face and stop at my lips for a split second before he returned them to my eyes.

My heart melted as I stared into his chocolate brown eyes, examining every detail in them. Especially noticing the way his pupils dilated.

I knew what he wanted, I wanted the same thing. We had a silent conversation between our eyes. So I made the first move. I leaned forward. The second I did, Jed did the same thing. Our eyes closed, and our lips connected.

The taste of his sweetness filled my heart as I sunk more and more into the kiss. My side was screaming in pain, but that didn't matter to me. I lifted a hand up and placed it gently on his shoulder while our foreheads leaned against one another. We regrettably pulled apart, slowly dragging ourselves away from each other. Both of us were left breathing heavily with heavy heartbeats.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Jed broke the quiet, standing up and going towards the door.

"See you..." My voice was quiet. I didn't even know if he could hear me speak.

"Wow." I said to myself out loud the second I heard the door shut and lock. Jed was definitely more than just a friend at this point. It got me thinking of what the next move is. Should we go on a date? I scolded myself internally for being so bad at this. I'll talk to Jed tomorrow morning.


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