Chapter 44

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"Times up, I need to get this dye off now." Danny said from the other side of the curtain.

"Can you hand me a towel?" I asked while turning the water off, letting the remaining drips roll off of me and onto the ground.

"You can't come out?" He said. I could hear him shuffling with something.

"No, I can't."

"Alright, I'm not pushing you." Danny's arm came through from the side of the curtain, towel in hand.

I hummed as I took the towel. His hand disappeared as he pulled it away. I wrapped the towel around myself, letting it dry and cover me. My hand pushed the curtain out of the way, revealing the rest of the bathroom.

Danny took his shirt off, throwing it to the side as we switched places. I only glanced at him with his shirt off before he was once again hidden from me.

"Stay in the bathroom, would ya?" He said while throwing the rest of his clothes over the curtain just like I had prior. I looked over to see a pile of fresh clothes next to the sink. Danny was smart enough to grab new clothes for himself as well as mine.

"Yeah." I responded to him, making sure he was staying in the shower so I could remove my towel.

I got dressed quickly, putting on my new clothes as quickly as possible. Luckily, Danny grabbed my one clothing to pack. At least I have something that's the same from home.

Danny was much quicker in the shower than I was. To be fair, I was enjoying my time, and I had a time limit. I would have stayed in there much longer if it weren't for the time limit. I guess I could have stayed, but I would rather get out than have him join me.

"Pass me a towel." He said while turning the water off. We didn't talk during his shower like we did with mine.

He held his hand out the side of the curtain so I could place a towel in his hands, which I did. He grabbed it and disappeared behind the curtain for a few moments longer before stepping out with the towel around his waist.

"Do me a favor? Grab a chair from the kitchen." Danny walked past me, unlocking the bathroom door. I'm not sure why he locked it in the first place. It's not like it's keeping me in or keeping anyone else out. That doesn't matter for now.

I nodded, walking out the door before he shut it behind me so he could change. The house still felt so surreal and daunting to me. I walked to the kitchen, my entire body coming to a stop when I saw the front door. I went straight to it, stopping myself when I saw it was locked. Not just locked like a normal door, but locked like Danny's old home. I couldn't get out. My eyes traveled around, seeing each window was the same way. How the hell did he get this done already? It's not a normal thing in homes, and yet it's already done in here. It's almost as if he requested it to be done before we even got here. Who would do such a thing without asking questions? It's not like he had requests for the rest of this awful house.

I went back to my previous assignment, going into the kitchen and grabbing one of the chairs by the table. It was a small kitchen, yet it had a cozy feeling to it.

"Come on, gotta get that hair done." Danny spoke from behind me, making me jump again. He got dressed and apparently got tired of waiting for me.

"Do you have to be so damn quiet?" I asked while grabbing the chair, lifting it, and carrying it back to the bathroom.

"Just part of the job, sweetheart." Danny couldn't hold back his smirk as he walked with me into the bathroom where I set the chair down.

Danny had me sit on a chair in front of him. We had to stay inside so as not to be seen by any nosy neighbors. I was sitting in front of the mirror so I could see myself and, more importantly, what he was doing to my hair.

"Alright, what do you think... hmm, maybe to here?" Danny asked while taking my hair in between two of his fingers, showing how much shorter he was going to cut it.

"Yeah, fine." I said with a frown on my face.

"I'm sorry, darling. I wouldn't do it if it wasn't important." Danny leaned forward, giving me a kiss on my cheek before standing straight again.

"I know." I nodded in response.

He didn't waist any time, taking a section of my hair and cutting into it. My hair fell down to the ground as he continued to cut. I watched in the mirror as he cut my hair down more and more, making sure it was all even.

Danny was good with scissors. It made it clear to me that he has done this many times before. Except he's always done it for himself instead of another person.

"There we are. As pretty as ever." Danny said once he finished, kissing the top of my head while he brushed off all of the newly cut hair to the floor. My hair was very different than it was before. It's much shorter, of course.

Danny walked around me, taking his camera out from his pocket. He must bring that thing with him everywhere. He clicked, taking a picture of me.

"Hmm." Danny reached behind me, moving the curtain of the shower so it was a better backdrop.

"Smile." He said with a smile as he raised the camera once more. A small smile spread across my face as he took the picture.

"Beautiful." He commented while turning to himself in the mirror. He paused, looking at himself with his new black hair.

"Something wrong?" I asked, getting uncomfortable in the long silence.

"Needs something else..." Danny's voice trailed off as he stepped out of the bathroom. I stood up from the chair, not getting very far before he came back.

"There we go." He said while putting a pair of glasses on his face. "What do you think?"

"It's new." I responded as I looked at how different he was. Jed Olsen was officially dead. Now it was his new cover-up, Jack.


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