Chapter 2

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Many hours passed and I finally made my way to my new home. Except I didn't go home, I went to work. Everything was still packed into my car but I could deal with it later.

"Y/N?" A man walked up to me. "Its nice to match the name to a face."

"I can same the same to you." I said as I took my new bosses hand. Henry wasn't bad looking. He had combed back brunette hair with hazel eyes. His face was carved neatly like artwork.

"I'm sorry you have to be here instead of getting settled in," Henry went on to explain, "there was a murder last night."

"Was it the Ghostface?" The name made a chill go up my spine. Ghostface was a stalker with no apparent motive for his kills. Every time there is a murder, there are certain ways Ghostface claims their kill. It's like a game.

"It was. We found this photo on the crime scene." Henry handed me a gruesome photograph.

The photo contained a dying man, holding onto life as a knife is thrusted into his heart. The photo itself almost made me vomit. I kept myself together though.

"Can we even put something like this in a newspaper?" I asked as I handed the photograph back to him.

"Unfortunately, we can not. Something about respecting the dead with a mix of peoples innocence makes it so we can't publish this photo anywhere." He paused for a second. "We can blur parts but with a picture like this... the entire thing will be blurry."

"I see." We both stood in silence, waiting for the other person to make a move.

"Come into my office with me." Henry turned suddenly, "I'll tell you the details of the murder."

I followed him into the building. Going inside, I finally had a chance to look around the new place I will be working. The place seemed clean and polished. Like a perfect building made for the rich. It almost made me feel out of place.

I continued to walk behind Henry, seeing new people and doors to new rooms.

"Your office will be down this hallway, I'll show it to you tomorrow." He paused for a second to point the way before continuing on with our mission.

We took a turn and went into a room with his name on the door. It was a calm atmosphere with a light brown color scheme along with pops of blue. A large desk divided the room, making him go to the other side and sitting in his large chair. I sat in a smaller chair across from him. The dynamic made him seem much more intimidating than he really was.

"At exactly 9:57 PM, David Lawson got a call from the Ghostface." Henry started off fast, "The call lasted 8 minutes and 37 seconds until the phone was abruptly stopped."

I pulled out a pen and note pad to take notes so I could remember everything he was saying. Henry took occasional pauses for me to write everything down.

"The Ghostface broke in through the kitchen window and was also believed to leave the same way after the murder." Henry paused once again until I finished writing. "Now for the good part. David was attacked at the legs, one was slashed open while the other got broken. There was no running after that. Next up was what we believe is some sort of torture. On the crime scene, there were broken frames with photographs of his family all over the place. The police theorize that the Ghostface was threatening others lives. He went on to get multiple wounds on his face, arms, and abdomen area. Soon after that, he died with a stab wound to the heart. This encounter lasted 39 minutes. David was dead for a total of 12 minutes until his wife found him."

I finished up writing all the information. It was shocking. The thought that this was just a random guy to Ghostface made it much worse. Anyone could be next.

"Got all that? I would like you to have an article on it by tomorrow night. If you can't I understand." Henry set the deadline.

"I think I can do that." I said with a fake smile. That was not a long time. I understand that we need to pounce on these stories but I just moved in. Isn't there someone else who can do this? I swear Henry said something about another person writing about the Ghostface. It didn't matter right now, I can just deal with the work.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Have a nice night." Henry said as he got on his computer, getting straight to work.

"You too." I said with a small wave which he did not return. He was to focused on his job. Busy man.

I walked out of the office and retraced my steps until I found the front door. The sun was blinding compared to being inside the building. I blinked aggressively, trying to get use to the new light. Unfortunately, I ran into something. More like someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I instantly stepped back. It was just a shoulder bumb but embarrassing nonetheless.

"Its Ok. You're new right?" I looked up to see a new face. Dark brown, fluffy hair matched with golden brown eyes. He was a sight to see thats for sure.

"Yeah, I'm new. I'm working on the Ghostface cases." I said shyly.

"Ah so you're Y/N? Nice to meet you. he held a hand out, "I'm Jed Olsen. I'm also working on the Ghostface murders."

I took his hand with cheer. "You are? That's great! I can't wait to work with you."

"Did you just move here?" Jed looked at my car with suspension, noticing all the boxes still sitting in there.

"Yeah... I haven't unpacked yet. In fact I haven't been to my new house yet." I chuckled nervously at the realization that I haven't even seen the place.

"I can help you if you'd like." Jed turned to me with a grin. An attractive grin at that.

"Um. Yeah, sure, help would be nice." I reluctantly agreed. Usually I like to do more things myself but with all the work I need to do, help would be amazing.


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