Chapter 17

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The whole day went smoothly. I wrote, read, and then wrote again. The exact description of the job. The article was almost finished, I only needed a few more changes.

I felt so sluggish the whole day. My own trauma filled my brain, making me see that damn mask every time I close my eyes. He lives rent-free in my mind.

There was a point where he was the only thing I could think about. His knife was so close to me. His body was holding down mine. I had to forget about him, but I couldn't. He's probably going to be the only thing people talk about around me for a while. Either until he gets caught or until I die.

I made the smart decision and decided it was time to take a break. I neglected to pack a lunch, but there was a vending machine that had some snacks in it. A snack should be enough for me until I get home.

My hands push away from my desk as if they were actually helping me stand up. I've been sitting all day, and I can feel it. My body aches as if I just ran a marathon.

My feet drag me out of the room and down the hall to the break room. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside. I've never been in this room before.

There were only two other people inside. It was a weird time to take a break, so it makes sense. It was later on in the day, after all.

One of the two people had an unrecognizable face. The other one didn't, though. I remember seeing him earlier. We met, but it was hard to remember his name. I've been very busy, too busy to remember every single coworker. I entered the room and noticed he had a sandwich along with some chips. The sandwich was in a bag that had his name on it. The only issue was that he was using the bag as a makeshift plate, so I could only see the name when the sandwich was lifted.

Randy was reading a newspaper. I didn't think people actually did that on their breaks, considering it's our job here. He lifted the sandwich just enough to where I could see the name. It was upside down, but I could figure it out.


Oh yes. His name is Randy. Now, I won't look like an idiot who only knows four people and forgot one of their names.

"Oh hey, Y/N!" Randy noticed my presence.

"Hey Randy." I said, hoping I remembered to pronounce his name right and read the bag correctly.

"I've been meaning to ask you..." Randy was making eye contact with me but kept looking down to hide the very obvious blush on his cheeks. "Would you get a drink or maybe some food with me after work? We haven't really had time to get to know each other."

I looked at him with a poker face even though I was panicking inside. He said it was to get to know each other. That means it wouldn't be a date, right? I mean, he is a coworker who showed me directions once. This can't be more than just a friendly hangout.

"Sure, we could do that." I smiled peacefully as if I wasn't having a panic attack. What if he was Ghostface? Couldn't be. I refuse to believe it's Randy.

This might not be a bad idea. I would be in public with someone else who is hopefully trustworthy. It's much better than staying at home alone where a serial killer might be.

"Alright, I get off at around 8." Randy was looking at me and yet still struggled to make eye contact.

"Same here. I can meet you in front." I made a suggestion as the door opened. My eyes couldn't help but look over to see Jed walking in. He didn't pay attention to us at all.

"That's perfect. I'll see you at 8." Randy had a huge grin as he started to pack up and leave the break room. He left, and so did the other person that I didn't know. Leaving Jed and I alone.

"You and Randy?" Jed finally asked.

"Oh no, we were just going to hang out for a little bit. I thought it would be better than staying home alone." My back was turned to him as I got a snack from the machine. Even though I wasn't looking at him, I could tell he was looking at me. His eyes burned into the back of my skull. I could be reading the situation wrong, but maybe Jed didn't want me to go out with Randy.

"Makes sense, have fun, and please stay safe. We don't know who Ghostface is, so just try to stay with a lot of people. Don't let him take you home alone." Jed spoke before he took a sip of water. His voice was so protective. Maybe that's why I could feel the tension in the room. Jed has suspicion on Randy.

"I won't. We'll stay in public the entire time." I felt like a little kid again, getting lectured by their mom before a play date with a friend.

"I trust you. Be careful out there, Y/N." Jed waved to me before he left the room. I was now all alone. Just like I was that night. A chill went up my spine as I started to eat my snack. This whole experience has ruined being alone for me.

What if Jed's right? What if Randy is the killer and he somehow has a plan to get me alone? I can't think so harshly on people. Ghostface doesn't want to kill me. At least not until the article is written about him. That's when a much worse thought sparked in my mind.

Is the Ghostface going to kill me after I write the article?


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