Chapter 31

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The day went by quickly. Which was very lucky for me. Jed came back after taking photos and went straight to writing. He came by my desk every once in a while to make sure I was doing alright. A few people here and there asked me how I was doing. They were all nice people.

"Come to my house tonight. That guy creeped me out. You're still injured. I just... I really want you to stay close to me." Jed approached my desk while I was cleaning up to go home.

"Jed, you don't have to be with me at all times. I'll be fine." I smiled up to him before getting up. I was now ready to go. Jed walked with me out to his car.

"I know you will be. I just want to keep an eye on you. I don't think it's safe for you to be there all alone." Jed grabbed onto my hand once more while we walked.

"Alright, fine. I'll stay with you tonight." I gave in to his request. I enjoyed spending time with him anyway.

It did make me think, though. What were we? We kissed, he said he was my boyfriend, he always hangs around me. Are we friends? Friends with benefits? Or more?

The drive to his house was mostly quiet. We shared a few words with each other here and there. When we weren't talking, it was a comfortable silence as we listened to the radios soft tunes.

He didn't even bother driving me to my house to pack anything, saying he had some clothes that would fit me. I wasn't sure why he did, but I trusted him.

Jed pulled his car up to his house, parking it in the driveway. He turned it off before facing me.

"I've been thinking..." he paused for a moment, taking a soft breath before continuing. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"A date?" I was taken back from his request. To be fair, I thought the same thing. Though I wasn't expecting him to actually ask me. "Yes! Yes, I would love to."

"How about tomorrow after work? I have a few plans that I think you would enjoy." Jed leaned over the cup holder, his head resting on his hands.

My face wore a warm smile as I looked at him. That was until I had a thought. Ghostface specifically stated that I shouldn't go anywhere. I don't think Danny would hurt me, but would he hurt Jed? Would he get jealous of him?

"What's wrong?" Jeds face fell from a once happy smile to an expression of concern.

"Nothing." I said quickly, not wanting to talk about Danny. "I was just thinking. Tomorrow after work, I'll be ready."

"I'll tell you more about it later. For now, let's go inside." Jed got out of the car. I mimicked his movements.

~○Time Skip○~

The whole night with Jed has been amazing. We spent almost every minute together until the sun went down. Jed had a lot of lights on that eased my anxiety and gave his home a warm glow.

"I think you need some rest." Jed stood in front of me. His hands slowly brushed my hair out of my face and glided his fingers through it.

"Yeah, I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight, Jed." I sat down on the couch, looking up at Jed.

"Goodnight." He leaned forward, pressing his lips on my forehead. Just a small kiss that I wish could last forever.

I watched as he left the living room and went to his own room. I let my body fall limp into the couch, resting against it. I nuzzled my head into the soft pillow and held the blanket protectively over my body. I was comfortable as I slowly fell asleep.


I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. The beautiful yet irritating sound made sure I was fully awake instead of falling back asleep. I sat up on the couch and stretched out my arms.

"Oh, you're awake. How did you sleep?" Jed appeared from the kitchen, quick to see me awake. He was already in his suit for work. Jed looked so fancy in that suit with his long sleeves and perfectly brushed back hair. Something about him just made me feel fuzzy inside.

"I slept well." On a closer look, I could see just how tired he seemed. His eyes were dark, and his skin looked pale as if he's been up all night. "Did you sleep okay? You look tired."

"I slept fine, I just woke up early today. I have a lot of things to do at work." Jed spoke. His phone started to ring the second he finished his sentence. Holding up one finger to say he needs a second, he answered the phone while leaving the room.

"What?" I could hear his voice raise with a tone of confusion and urgency. It was silent for a second after that until I heard him speak once more. "I'll be right there."

"Is something wrong?" I asked when Jed rushed back into the room. He brought some clothing with him for me to change into. It's still a mystery to me why he had professional women's clothing, but I guess we can't have all the answers.

"There was a murder. We have to get to work quickly." Jed's voice was quick as he spoke. I went to the bathroom to change as fast as possible. I could just eat breakfast in the break room when we get there.

I can only assume it was Henry on the phone. Something serious must have happened if Jed spoke like that. Of course murder is serious, but to someone like Jed, whose job it is to look at crime scenes, this has to be something big.

It didn't take long for me to get ready, setting off with Jed to go to work. I can already tell today is going to be long.


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