Chapter 18

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After I finished eating, I went back to the mind-numbing work. The thought that Ghostface was going to kill me after I finished was worse than remembering when he attacked me. He could be anyone, anywhere, at any time. It's impossible to catch him, and here I was playing his stupid game. I am nothing but a pawn to him, and there is no way I'm getting out of this alive.

That would be a good ending to the article, actually. Dramatic and big. A real eye catcher. Would Ghostface like it? Would he like it enough to let me live? I guess I'll have to find out.

I finished my final copy of my article. This had to be the best writing I've ever done. It was printed out, and I sat there, staring at the inked words. Every word, every sentence was constructed to please Ghostface.

My final copy was all ready. I set it on Henry's desk and glanced at the clock to see the time was 8:03. I need to catch up with Randy. I wasn't sure what he had planned at 8 o'clock on a random evening. I didn't think much would be open. Especially when Ghostface was still on the loose.

I walked out of the building, feeling the cool breeze blow my hair out of my face. The sun was still up, starting to slowly set. There was enough light to where I could see Randy sitting on a bench. He looked nervous but still had a joyful grin on his face.

"Hey!" I walked over to Randy with a bright and welcoming smile.

"Hey, Y/N." He stood up from the bench to greet me, "I was wondering if you'd like to go to a smoothie place with me? It's open late, and they have a few pastries that are good there."

"Yeah, that sounds amazing." I said genuinely. It does sound like a nice place to hang out.

Randy and I walked to the place. It was nearby, and Jeds words stayed in the back of my mind. I didn't want to get in a car with Randy. Most of the walk was quiet. It wasn't comfortable, nor was it uncomfortable. It was just a strange spot in the middle where I wanted to get there as fast as possible, but I also didn't mind Randy's presence.

Eventually, we found the spot. Randy opened the door for me, and I walked inside. The walls had bright paintings all over, and the entire place looked like a Joyland for children. I didn't mind it at all. It felt nice to be connected to my inner child. Especially after everything that has been happening.

The building was almost empty besides the people working there. So much for staying in public. I'll just have to trust Randy.

"What could I get for you two today?" A girl behind the counter spoke. She had a cheerful voice, but her eyes read otherwise. It is a job, after all.

"I would like a peach perfection." Randy ordered first.

I scanned the menu quickly to make a decision. Everything looked really good, making my choice much harder.

"I'll take the vanilla blue sky, please." I ordered.

Randy gave the employee some cash to pay for the smoothies.

"You don't have to do that, I could pay for my own." I said, but all he did was smile back at me while he continued to pay.

"I wouldn't be a real man if I let a lovely lady pay."

I giggled at him, finding his romantic act amusing. I was really starting to like Randy, that was until another thought started to haunt me. Why would he pay in cash? No one pays in cash. Is he trying to cover up that he was here? My eyes went wide once I realized that this could be Ghostfaces' way of murdering me.

Randy led me to a seat so we could wait for the smoothies. We sat down across from each other. I could see a bathroom sign behind him.

"I'm gonna go clean up, I'll be right back." I smiled at Randy. He nodded, and I quickly, without making it look like I was panicking, went to the ladies' bathroom.

I went inside and locked the door behind me. My hands moved fast as I grabbed my phone from my pocket. I hesitated the second I pulled up the keypad to type a number. I could call 911, but I'm not sure if it is Randy. Something about this whole situation feels wrong. I thought for a second until I knew exactly who to call.

"Hello?" The person instantly answered the phone.

"Jed, I'm at a smoothie place with Randy. He paid in cash, and I'm worried that he's Ghostface." I spoke as low as I could so no one could hear me from outside.

"A smoothie place?" Jed's voice turned serious. "I think I know where you are. I'll be there soon, stay safe."

Jed hung up the phone before we said our goodbyes. I just have to act natural until he gets here.

I walked out of the bathroom like nothing happened. Randy can't be Ghostface. I refuse to believe that. I would feel much safer with Jed here, though.

Randy and I had a casual conversation until I heard the bell over the door ring. Signaling that someone had walked in. How did jed get here so fast that he even beat our smoothies? Maybe he was already in the area.

"Order for Randy." The worker set down the two cups as Jed walked up to the counter. "What would you like, sir?"

Randy and I walked over to grab the cups. I stood next to Jed for a moment. Jed was on my right while my left hand held my drink. My right hand was down by my side when I felt Jed grab onto it. He held it protectively in his for a second, his thumb rubbing comfortably over my knuckles. He let go the second Randy was ready to go back to the table.


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