Chapter 25

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At some point in the night, I fell asleep. I really didn't think that would happen with a serial killer right beside me, but somehow, I still passed out. I didn't even know I fell asleep until I woke up the next morning.

The second I woke up, I looked over the side of the couch. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw it was empty. Ghostface must have left during the night.

I stood up and stretched before going to the window. The cop car was still there. The officers sleeping inside of it. I'm not sure what the point is of having them here if they sleep, but at the same time, people need sleep.

I walked away from the window and towards the kitchen. I got a glass and went to the fridge for water only to notice a note.

'Open your phone'

I took the note off of the fridge as I read it. My mind instantly went to Ghostface. There's no way anyone else could write this note. Once I read it, I balled it up and threw it in the trash before doing as the note said.

I opened my phone to see there was an app opened. 'Jed Olsen' was at the top of my screen. I panicked when I saw that the Ghostface had messaged Jed.

'Do you want to go to the grocery store with me later?' The message was simple and to the point. I guess Ghostface was giving me a hint that I should actually get food in this house. He also said he didn't like me talking to anyone else, but he does seem to have some sort of trust in Jed.

'Sure, I can go after work :)' Jed had sent a text back.

"You've got to be kidding me." I said out loud, obviously unpleased with my killer friends mischief. I guess I have plans now. I put my phone down and started getting ready for work.

The entire way there, I was trying to clear my head. I was trying to cool down and accept that Ghostface was just trying to help. Which is weird on its own. How does someone go from trying to kill me to help me? He confuses me, and it drives me insane.

"Good morning, Y/N." An officer walked up to me right when I got to work. One of the cops that stayed outside of my house last night.

"Good morning. Are you going to stay at my job also?" I tilted my head at the man.

"No, we're leaving now. We will be at your house later tonight again."

"That's fine. I'm going to the grocery store after work, though. I need to get food." I let him know.

"Alright. I'll tell the boys." With that, the cop left without another word. It got me thinking how Ghostface got around them. If he was there to kill me, it would have been completely over.

I left the lobby where the cop was and went to my desk. The second I got there, I was reminded of what I had to write about. My own feelings and experiences shouldn't be on the cover of the news. Yet here I am, writing it all down myself so I don't get stabbed.

I sat down on my chair and turned on my computer. The light burned my eyes and, in turn, gave me a headache. My fingers massaged the bridge of my nose while I thought of how to start this article.

"Are you alright?" A voice made me jump out of my thoughts and back into the real world.

"I'm fine, just thinking." I looked up to see Jed beside my desk. He's very quiet and was able to sneak up on me. It definitely made me paranoid, but at the same time, I'm not as alert right now as I usually am.

"If you say so." I watched Jed's eyes move to my screen, looking at the plain white and empty document. "What do you have to write about? I got assigned the murder."

"I have to write about my experience." I didn't even look up at him, just speaking while I stared at the screen.

"I'm assuming you're not happy about that. You know you can request something else if it makes you uncomfortable." Jed placed a hand lightly on my shoulder. I have to admit, it was quite comforting.

"I'd rather not get stabbed." I said without thinking. The second I realized what I said, I tried to change it. "I mean fired."

Jed chuckled before he spoke again, "If you say so. I'll see you after work, okay?"

"See you later, Jed." I looked up at him with a smile. He removed his hand from my shoulder, turning and leaving my desk. I watched him walk away, silently wishing he would come back.

I went back to work shortly after. Typing away the thoughts in my head. This felt more like a personal diary than an article.

Time skip

I looked at the clock to see the whole day had passed. I've only eaten a few snacks from the vending machine, so I was very hungry. Luckily, I'll be able to get food at the grocery store soon.

"Ready to go?" Jed walked up to me while I was getting ready to leave.

"I'm ready." I smiled at him, turning off my computer after making sure all of my work was saved. The article was coming along nicely. Even though it made me cringe that strangers and even people I know will read it. Made my heart sink when I remembered Ghostface will read it.

There were a few lies in it, of course. I can't tell anyone about Ghostface. Not without getting stabbed, and I'd much rather have my body be knife free.

"I can drive." Jed said the second we left the building. He took my arm and led me to his car, opening the door for me to get inside.


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