Chapter 7

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'Ghostface Strikes Again'

'A man found dead in his home just like other victims. The clever serial killer takes another life, the life of David Lawson. He is a normal man who is now mourned by his family and friends.'

Is that too dramatic? It might be. I'll edit it later.

'Police believe that Ghostface broke in through the kitchen window, attacking David on the spot.'

I glanced back at my notes for a second. The gruesome things I wrote made a shiver go up my spine. That could be me. That could be anyone I know. It could have been Jed.

My thoughts diverted from murder to Jed. He was sweet. Kind enough to let me stay at his house. How did he last so long writing about the Ghostface? You'd think he would be at the top of the killers list. Maybe Ghostface liked the articles. My writing has to be good enough, so maybe Ghostface would like my articles as well. Either that or death.

'The Ghostface attacked David in the legs first, making it so he couldn't run away. One leg broke while the other slashed open. The ghost was not messing around with this one.'

No. I can't put that. It sounds way to childish.

"Y/N?" Jed's voice made me jump. I wasn't ready to see another person while I was writing about murder.

"Hey." I sat up, leaning away from my laptop.

"Can't sleep?" He tilted his head.

"I can... it's just that I need to get this done, so I figured I'll do it now." I responded honestly.

"I see. Working on the last murder?" He walked up beside me to see what I had written. I felt insecure about my work. Jed was afterall a great writer, and my work was amateur.

"I like it. Henry would like it to." Jed leaned back after reading my work.

"Thank you. Why are you up so late?" I asked.

Jed paused for a second, thinking through his answer. "I'm a night owl. Staying up late is my thing."

"Ah, makes sense." It fell quiet between us. The awkward silence made me shiver.

"Well, I'm going to head to bed. Do you need anything?" Jed asked sweetly.

"No, I'm okay. Thank you so much." I smiled at him, "goodnight."

"Goodnight, Y/N." Jed disappeared into the darkness, leaving me to my writing. I went right back to work.


Jed's POV

She was still awake. I was going to walk out the front door while she slept, but now I have to jump out of my own window.

Normally, I would wait to make another kill. Today was different. With Y/N in my home, I have a witness. I was home all night to her knowledge. That, and I'm far too nice to her to be a serial killer.

I'm not killing just anybody tonight. I'm killing a man that I have been stalking for a while. Not to mention the fact that Y/N is getting the last article. This one is mine. This kill is going to be the most violent one I can think of. My place in the news business will be put in stone after what I am going to write about this man.

Y/N is taking my job away from me. I can handle all the articles without help. I don't need her to write anything. This is why she has to die. She is in the way. My bloodlust boiled when I saw her. I can already smell her blood as it covers my hands. It smells sweet with the nice usual hint of iron. Her death will be special.

I was so focused on Y/N's death that I didn't realize I had already made it to my destination. A lonely house with only one occupant living inside. The man sat lazily on the couch, spread out so more cold air from a fan could reach him.

Each window and door was locked shut. Except for the one on the second floor. Of course.

One window was left open, leading straight into the man's bedroom. Luckily, there was a tree close by to it. I was not happy to have to climb a tree tonight. I considered breaking a window and jumping through the easy way, but I wanted this to be stealthy. He has to be scared for this kill.

So I got to work, climbing up this tree to the window. It was easy enough. Many branches that were tough enough for me to climb on. A few smaller branches cracked, making me almost fall. I'm good enough to avoid hitting the ground.

"Finally." I whispered to myself as I reached the window, vaulting the side and appearing in the house.

Jake Park. The man downstairs whose life was about to end. He was a descendent of a rich man. Jake was going to college but dropped out of pressure. He doesn't have anything else to worry about. Today is his last day, after all.

A creaking sound came to my attention. It was the staircase. He should not be coming up, and yet here he comes. I quickly dodged into the closet and listened.

After a few seconds, the bedroom door opened, and in came Jake. He stumbled towards the bed, grabbing onto a thick blanket before dragging it back downstairs. He reeked of alcohol. This should make my life much easier.

The creaking of the staircase stopped as the sound of the television grew louder. He was back in the same spot as before.

I, on the other hand, did not move. The closet was the perfect place for now. I pulled out a phone. A phone that could not be tracked. Something trusty that I could use.

I already knew Jake's number, dialing it in seconds. He picked up after the third ring.

"Hello?" His voice was slurred and already over this phone call. It's show time.


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