Chapter 16

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The Ghostface was gone. I was left alone in the quiet house, staring at where he once stood. My heart continued to pound in my chest as if he were still here. He left a presence in my home. It felt like the air was different. It felt as if he was always watching me, which could be true.

I stood in the corner of the room in pure shock. He still got in. I searched everywhere and still missed him. His name suits him. The Ghostface truly is a force to be reckoned with. Maybe that could be a line in my next segment.

"My article..." I whispered to myself. It was as if my mind was trying to get my body to move again. I just needed a small mind reset before I could get to work.

This article would hopefully prove to the Ghostface that I should live. My last article was already important to me. This one might be the difference between life and death.

My legs started to move, and I went to the living room with my laptop. The couch felt cold and took a minute to heat up to my body heat.

A blank page with only a title.
'Ghostface Has A New Final Girl'

It was the only thing I could come up with. I could have written 'How I Survived Ghostface', but that felt too much like a blog when I wanted an article. Not to mention the fact that Ghostface himself called me a final girl. His own words in the title should make him happy.

I let my fingers type as I zoned out. This is just a rough draft. I'll read it back and most likely change most of it. I just need the structure.

The only light in the room was from the screen and the lights that were on in the kitchen. Other than that, it was dark. Made me paranoid, thinking Ghostface was still around. He easily could be, and I would never know about it.

One yawn. Then another. I was getting tired and couldn't keep my eyes open. Soon enough, I fell asleep on the couch. Luckily, I was able to set my laptop on a table before I passed out.


A loud sound started to ring in the house. Each repeating sound bounced off the walls and filled my ears right when I sat up. My entire spine tingled as if it was my very own spider senses, making me fully awake.

I looked over to see my own phone making the sound. The screen was light up with a name on it.

'Jed Olsen'

I was worried that I had overslept, but just a quick look at the time calmed my anxiety. I still have an hour before work starts.

"Hey Jed." I answered the phone and slowly laid back down on the couch.

"Hey, Y/N. I hope I didn't wake you up." Jed sounded wide awake, unlike me.

"No worries, I was going to get up soon anyway." I yawned, turning away from the phone so he hopefully couldn't hear.

"I was just calling to check up on you. No sign of Ghostface, right?"

I paused. Every memory from last night filled my skull, giving me a headache. I can't tell anyone. I know for a fact that Ghostface would kill me for that.

"No. I'm safe." I lied.

"That's good, just call me if you need anything. I mean it, I'll be at your house in a second." I could tell that he was speaking with a wide smile.

"Thanks, Jed. That means a lot." My chest felt all warm. No, I can not have a stupid crush right now. Even if he's caring and charming, I just can't do it. I could die at any moment. This is no time for distractions.

"I'll see you soon."

"See you." The call ended, leaving the room in silence once again.

I took a deep breath, taking a moment to recollect myself. That's when I figured I should get ready to go to work.

Time moved fast as I got ready. This specific morning, I had to get ready physically and mentally. Does Ghostface know where I work? That was the only thought that went through my head on the drive there. He must know. He's a stalker afterall.

I went inside the building. Work almost felt warmer than my own home. After everything that I've gone through, that makes sense.

Everyone in the building was rushing around. Ghostface has them all wrapped around his finger. I hurried through all the people until I got to my desk. It had the same emptiness to it. I needed some photos or even a stupid bobblehead to make it more lively.

I sat down and instantly got to work. I read over what I wrote the previous night, and just as I thought, it was all trash. That's alright, at least I have an idea of where I'm going.

Writing about the experience was basically re living it all over again. The attack, the wounds, and of course the escape. It made me think about the whole thing harder than I wanted to. If the cops didn't show up, just then would I have died? That very easily could have been my last day.

I jumped when I felt a hand gently touch my shoulder.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I looked up to see Jed standing there. He looked so relaxed, so confident in everything he did. I aspire to be that way.

"You're good, I'm just a bit jumpy after... well, you know." I looked down for a second, staring at the ground as if it would take away the memory before looking back up at Jed.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. Were you scared?" Jed leaned down, towering over me with our faces close. He had a sorrowful expression, but something about it didn't feel right to me.



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