Chapter 43

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I completely zoned out while sitting on the ledge of the bathtub. Danny was doing his hair, making sure to get every strand black. If really made me think about how much of him was fake. This entire time of being with him, how much do I actually know, or was it all just fake so he can continue to hide.

My hand brushed through my hair, feeling the softness of it. Sure, it was pretty gross right now. I mean, I've been on the road for days and haven't exactly been able to clean it. I just hope Danny lets me clean it before he cuts it off.

"Can I take a shower?" I broke the quiet. Danny looked over at me through the window instead of actually turning to face me.

"Go ahead." He nodded slightly while he continued putting the black dye in his hair. He paused his actions for a moment, going out of the bathroom. I heard him shuffling through something outside of the room until he came back.

He handed me small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and a tiny box of soap. All things I'm sure he stole from a hotel room. I grabbed onto them, trying to avoid the black hair dye that came off of his gloved hands.

"I'll get more stuff later." Danny said while turning away from me, going back to his own hair.

"So..." I rocked back and forth on my heels to my toes, wanting him to leave the room so I could actually take a shower.

"So? Get in." Danny looked at me through the mirror once more. "Might join you once my hair gets done."

"Oh, um. Can I be alone?" I looked down to the ground, avoiding eye contact.

"Not yet. You have to get used to me being around, darling." Danny turned to me. His hair was completely covered in the black dye. Now, all he had to do was wait.

"But..." My voice cracked before going quiet.

"But we're going to be together a lot more now. It's okay, you can trust me." Danny said while taking his gloves off, discarding them as he approached me. He put his hands on my shoulders and gave me a few kisses on my forehead.

"Right." I said while backing away, out of his grasp. I stepped into the shower and closer the curtain. If he's going to be in here, then he isn't getting a show.

"You have twenty minutes before I join you in there." Danny chuckled from the other side of the curtain, obviously wishing I wasn't hiding behind it.

I took off my clothes. Letting out a sigh of relief as I got out of them. Sometimes, it feels better to change clothes after such a traumatic experience. Even though I'm still witnessing said experience, it feels good to let go of the past.

I threw my clothes over the shower curtain, hearing them hit the ground on the other side.

"Don't leave this room." I heard Danny say as he left the bathroom. I peaked out the side of the curtain to see him bring my clothes out of the room. I can only hope he'll come back with different clothes for me.

I let out a deep sigh once I was alone. It felt nice to be in the quiet peace of being with only myself. My hand pushed on the knob, making water spray out of the shower and onto me. I gasped at the incredibly cold water, pushing myself out of the way of the water while I waited for it to get warmer.

The water slowly warmed up to the perfect temperature, allowing me to step under it once more. My muscles all relaxed the second the water hit my skin. A new sense of calmness washing over me as the sweat and dirt washed off of me.

I tensed up once more when the door opened. I heard feet walk back into the bathroom. It, of course, was Danny reentering the room.

"Got you some clean clothes and a towel." He said while putting them on the counter.

"Don't I still have time? It hasn't been twenty minutes." I asked, wishing I could be alone once more.

"I said twenty minutes until I joined you. It's not like I'm leaving you alone." His voice seemed disappointed that I would want him to leave again, but he has to understand that not only did he kidnap me, but I'm also naked in the shower.

"How are you?" Danny moved on.

"I'm fine."

"No, seriously. How are you?" He continued to push.

I let out a sigh as I ran conditioner through my hair, letting it sit while I used the tiny bar of soap.

"Just shocked. I wasn't exactly expecting all of this." I barely opened up to him, only sharing the obvious of my feelings. I closed my eyes as I let the water wash away all of the product I had put on before moving on to the final step. I scrubbed my hair with shampoo while missing my own shower at home. At my real home.

"That's to be expected." Danny had a quiet and calm voice.

The room fell silent. The only sound was the water falling and hitting my body. That was until he spoke up again.

"I really love you, you know?" Danny's words made me stop moving. My hands still locked on my shampoo covered scalp. "I just couldn't leave you behind."

"I know. It's not every day the Ghostface brings someone along." I replied, trying to sound like his words didn't affect me even though they did. I felt a twinge in my heart. Not for guilt for the man nor love of my own. Well, maybe. I'm not exactly sure what the twinge was. All I know is that I felt something.


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