Chapter 11

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The day moved and passed. Jed drove me home, and there I was, standing on my front step. I'm too much of a coward to go inside. The house feels haunted by a ghost. Even though I never actually saw Ghostface there.

Jed stayed in his car, watching to make sure I got in safely. His gaze cut through the air like a knife. Something about it made me feel uneasy.

I got over the feeling the second I unlocked the door and stepped inside. I made sure to wave at Jed as a thank you while he drove away. I couldn't see in the car, so I don't even know if Jed saw me wave.

Now I was alone. The silence made it feel like I was deaf as I stood in my living room. Though there were more things in my house so I could live comfortably, it still didn't feel like a home. The house was cold, making me shiver. I don't have any articles to write tonight, so I finally have time to relax.

My body flopped into the couch in exhaustion. There wasn't much for me to do now. I felt so empty without any kind of project to work on. I considered starting a project on my own but with the new job in a new city with a new house, I couldn't bring myself to do anything extra. At least not until I'm settled in.

My stomach growled under me, complaining that it's been so long since I've eaten. I still haven't gone to a grocery store. I guess that means it's time to order something.

I got up off the couch and grabbed my phone. It took me a second to think of what to get. Maybe something big, so I could eat some of it tomorrow, except I know I'll use that as an excuse not to go to the grocery store.

I was about to make a decision when my phone started to ring in my hands. The number was unknown, instantly giving me a bad feeling. My hand started to shake as I went against my judgment, answering the call.

"Hello?" My voice trembled even though I fought to sound normal. It was probably just Henry or someone from work.

"Hello, Y/N." Not Henry. Definitely not Henry. The voice on the other side of the phone was deep and almost metallic.

"Who is this?" I asked even though I think I know the answer. My heart started beating out of my chest as the conversation moved on.

"An old friend." That didn't answer my question.

"Why are you calling me?" My voice sounded more harsh than I wish it had.

"I just wanted to say hello. I am the last person you're going to speak to after all." The deep voice made me shiver. I have to stay strong.

I stayed quiet. My mind started to race as I scanned my surroundings. All the doors should be locked, and the curtains were closed. There was no way anybody could see me, let alone sneak into the house. If he wanted to kill me, at least I'll have extra time to move while he broke in.

"Didn't scare you off, did I?" The voice brought me out of my train of thought.

"No -"

"Call the cops and I'll make this much worse." He cut me off, his voice sounding more and more aggressive.

"How about we play a game?"

"I don't play games."

"You'll want to play this one. You like horror movies, right?"

"Yeah... I like a few." That settles it. This is Ghostface, and he definitely plans to kill me. I probably have a 20% chance at surviving this, if even that.

"Then let's start. I'll give you an easy question first." He paused, "Who is the killer in Nightmare on Elm Street?"

"Freddy Krueger." I answered without much thought. That was an easy question, just like he said. Except that means the questions are going to get harder. Every news report about the Ghostface talked about these calls. I thought for a moment that I should try to get help and how. I was in the call, but maybe I could text someone.

"Good girl." His condescending voice made my eyes roll. "Next question. Where does Halloween take place?"

"Haddonfield. They're in Haddonfield."

"You know movies better than I thought you did. Name all the Sawyers that appear in the first Texas Chainsaw." He moved on with a quicker question.

"Umm well obviously Bubba..." I had to think for a moment. I knew the movie, but names were difficult. "The grandpa, Nubbins, and Drayton." Finally, all the names came to mind.

"You're doing so well." He spoke as if I were a pet.

My fingers moved fast across the screen, pulling up my messages, and started typing. 'The Ghostface is calling me. Please help.' I typed 911 along with my address. Did it sound like a child typed that? Yes. Yes, it did, but I don't know how much longer I have. The police need to get here now if I'm going to survive.

"Final question. Where am I?" He said right as I hit send.

My eyes started to tear up out of fear. He could be anywhere. Fast and as quiet as a ghost, leaving me with no leads.

"Outside my house." I whispered my guess into the phone.

"You're wrong, Y/N." His voice went dark, "I'm much closer than you think."

I wanted to hang up the phone. I wanted to pretend this wasn't happening, but this was real, and I'm stuck in the middle of it.

"I'll be seeing you soon." Ghostface said before he hung up the phone.

My hands trembled as I held the phone tightly. The kitchen was only a few steps away. The kitchen had knives in it.

As much as I didn't want to move, I felt like I had to. I have to do something to survive until the cops get here. I will not let him get me.


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