Chapter 30

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It has been ten days since that night. My wound is doing much better, and Jed comes to my house every day. I haven't seen Danny since that night, but I'm sure he's been watching me sleep. I can feel it. A chill goes down my spine at random moments in the night. It has to be Danny. Even if he hasn't spoken to me.

Henry wants me to start coming into the office again. I'm not sure how I feel about that just yet. I've been writing while staying at home, which should make my job a bit easier.

I told Henry that I'll come in tomorrow. That should give me enough time to mentally and physically prepare myself for a work day. He said it was okay if I left early, so that's something I'll have to keep in mind.

For now, I was lying on the couch. My eyes got so dry that I could hear myself blink as I stared at the bright screen in front of me. The sound of typing became way too loud in my ears. I was sick of it even though I'll hear more tomorrow.

I shut my laptop and rolled over, facing the back of the couch. It was quiet for a few minutes before the sound of a camera clicked. The familiar chill went down my spine as my heart rate accelerated. I turned quickly to see the Ghostface standing over the couch with his camera pointed at me.

"Really? A photograph?" I asked, slightly fearful. The events of the phony Ghostface flashed in my mind as I watched his gloved hands move the camera down, praying he wouldn't grab the knife.

"What? You're just so pretty when you sleep." Danny kneeled down beside me, the mask close to my face. "You shouldn't go to work tomorrow. You're still healing."

"I'll be fine. All I do is sit at a desk anyway." I rolled over again, looking away from the Ghostface. He must have gone through my email or something to know this. I knew he was still around.

"Whatever you say. Just be aware of your side." Danny placed a hand on my shoulder before leaning down, "goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight, Danny." I said, closing my eyes. I heard the front door open and close. He must be confident in himself to leave through the front door with the Ghostface outfit still on. The cops are no longer outside of my house, though. They stopped since 'Ghostface' died.


"Wake up, Y/N. It's time for work." I woke up, unaware that I had even fallen asleep. I didn't even hear when Jed came inside. I didn't think he was coming to my house at all today.

"What are you doing here? I thought we were going to see each other at work." I sat up, stretching slightly before my wound ached, making me go back to my relaxed position.

"You are not going to drive yourself to work. I'm taking you." Jed leaned against the wall, looking down at me while I got up to my feet.

"Alright... Give me a few minutes." I quickly went through my normal routine. Brushing my teeth, getting dressed, grabbing all my stuff, and taking a breakfast protein bar to eat in the car on the way there. I moved quickly, not making Jed wait long.

The car ride there wasn't anything special. The both of us stayed in a comfortable quiet most of the way there. A few small comments were made between the both of us. Mostly just Jed convincing me to stay home. I don't know what is up with everyone wanting me to stay home. My wound is doing fine, I can handle work.

We arrived there just in time for our shifts to start. Jed walked by my side on the way in. His hand found mine and never left it. He held my hand until Henry came up to him.

"There was a car crash just down the road. With Ghostface gone, this might be your replacement for a while." Jed nodded at Henry. "And Y/N, an article about your experience killing the Ghostface would be nice."

I nodded as well before Henry left to his office. I expected that's what I would end up writing about.

"You did it, huh? Did you kill the Ghostface?" A man came up to me. His smug smile was instantly noticeable. He walked up to me, looking down into my eyes and seriously invading my personal space. This instantly gave me the ick.

"I did." I took a step back, bumping into Jed in the process.

"Want to go on a date sometime? You're quite pretty." The man just continued to come closer to me. His hand pushed his dirty blonde hair out of his face.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't even know your name." My hands nervously messed with one another while speaking to the man.

"Call me Jacob. Just so you know, I don't take rejection very well." His smirk flickered to a glare before returning itself to a way to a confident face.

"Nice to meet you Jacob, now if you could leave my girlfriend alone, that would be great." Jed's hand was placed firmly on my shoulder.

"Damn. Just tell me if you two ever break up, sweetheart." Jacob looked at me, almost ignoring Jed as he took a few steps backward. He then turned and left down a hallway.

"Thanks for that." I turned to Jed.

"Anytime. You have my number. Please call me if that creep comes around while I'm gone." Jed smiled down at me.

"I will." With that, Jed left to photograph a car crash, and I was left alone to go to my desk and start writing.

I wasn't very focused today, not being able to do most things. Luckily, I mostly only had to edit.


Sorry for my small break. I'll try to keep updating as much as possible. I just got a few mean comments and couldn't find it in myself to write after most of them. I don't let comments get to me, but I just needed a small break.

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