Chapter 33

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I sat still, watching the small drip of water slide down the outside of a glass. The water started to pool on the table under the glass, making a small reflection of myself. Police showed up to my house quickly after Jed called them and didn't waste any time taking me to the station for interrogation.

"We need to ask you a few questions." My eyes were instantly taken off of the glass and towards the detective who just sat down in front of me. One of his hands was on the table while the other held a file. The room was an off grey color, making the vibe dark yet calming. The flickering light and wide mirror that I know is one side glass didn't make me feel any better about the situation.

"Yeah." I planned to have a much better, more professional sentence, but my voice completely cut off. My throat felt dry, which made speaking a struggle.

"Do you have any idea when the heart was placed in your home?" The detective leaned forward on the table, waiting for my answer.

"I-" my voice continued to struggle. I took a moment to clear my throat before continuing. "I'm not sure. I was at Jed's house the night before and haven't been home." I explained.

"Why were you there?" The detectives gaze was emotionless but somehow became more harsh after the question.

I had to stop myself before responding. The newly found corpse creeped me out when he was alive to the point of staying at Jeds' house instead of my own. I shouldn't bring that into the conversation. Lying isn't the best idea, but that is far too suspicious.

"I've been injured." I glanced down at my side before returning my eyes to the detective. "Jed has been helping me."

"Did you know the victim?" He continued onto a different question, shifting his weight back and looking inside of his file.

"I didn't know him, but I've seen him around." I answered honestly.

"Did you know anyone who would want him dead?" The detective set the file down. Sensitive information on the pages was easily hidden from me.

"Not that I know of." I made a quick lie, knowing very well who would want him dead and is most likely the killer.

"That's all the questions I have for now. I'll call you if I have more questions." The detective didn't even make eye contact with me while speaking. He made a very quick goodbye.

We stood up at the same time to end the interrogation. He grabbed his files and went to the door, opening it to leave. I stopped him just before he stepped out.

"Am I a suspect?" I spoke up, asking an important question. He completely paused, slowly shutting the door.

"You're the only suspect we have." The detective whispered to me, not even looking my way.

After a small moment of silence, the detective left. I stood in the room for some time before following his footsteps outside. I left the police station and went straight home.

I was the suspect? I got attacked by Ghostfaces over and over again, and they think I did this? I'm a victim here. That man was obviously attacked and killed by someone else. With Ghostface gone, they have no more leads. It made me wonder how many killers got away because cops assumed Ghostface was the only killer.

My house greeted me with its normally cold interior like always. It made me feel lonely and unsafe. Especially after the number of times I've been attacked in here. I stopped moving after I locked the door, staring down at the small red/brown stain still on the floor. Sometimes, I feel like I'll never escape Ghostface.

Just then, my phone started to ring. I noticed that I was looking at where I killed the fake Ghostface, forcing my eyes off of the area and down at my phone. Just where I was standing is where we found the heart. Living here has been infuriating.

"Hello?" I answered the phone, my voice monotone.

"Did you like my gift?" The familiar sound of a voice changer was on the other end.

"Your gift is going to get me in trouble." I walked over and collapsed into my couch, my phone still being held to my ear.

"I'll handle that." His voice sounded ominous.

"How did you know I didn't like that guy? He only spoke to me once." I asked.

"I'm always around somewhere. Can't let you out of my sight for a second." I leaned back into the couch while he spoke, getting comfortable against the pillows.

"Why not?"

"Last time I did, you got stabbed in the side. I'm not making that mistake again." His answer makes sense. Even though I was fully able to defend myself.

"Why call me? You usually show up." My face contorted into a confused expression as I asked the question.

"Do you know the number of cops around your house right now? It's not in my best interest to get caught." Danny chuckled into the phone, making me grin.

"Do I ever get to hear your voice or just the changer?" I asked in a low voice, mostly thinking to myself but saying it out loud anyway.

"So many questions tonight." He teased through the phone. "Maybe someday you will. Get some sleep, we'll talk tomorrow."

"Goodnight." I said into the phone, agreeing that I was ready for sleep. "Oh, and I don't need any more gifts like that in the future."

"No promises. Goodnight, darling." With that, Danny hung up the phone. I was once again left alone in my quiet house. Maybe I should move out when this is all over. It would be better than staying here and getting reminded of what happened to me all the time.


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