Chapter 48

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The next morning, I woke up in the exact same position. My back is completely warm from Danny snuggling up to me. His arms still held me tightly around the waist.

I groaned as I went to roll over, needing to relieve some pressure from my shoulder. My face ended up right under Danny's chin and in his neck. He adjusted his hands so he could hold my back and push me right up against him once more.

I almost fell asleep again until an uncomfortable texture made me open my eyes. I looked down to see Danny's Ghostface uniform still on and caked in blood. In turn, covering my own clothes in blood. He had put a towel under us at some point, so at least he didn't ruin the bed sheets.

"Danny?" I said in a gasp as I pried my body away from his. He groaned and pulled me right back up against him.

"Danny!" I said louder, making him open a single tired eye.


"You got blood all over me." I pushed against him again. This time, he actually let me separate myself.

"Come on, it's not that bad. Just come back." Danny closed his eyes again.

"It is that bad." I scolded him while going into the bathroom.

Once in there, I could finally get the gross and crusty clothes off of me and throw them to the side. I looked in the mirror but hardly saw any blood on me. Luckily, it was mostly on the clothes. Even then, I still wanted to take a shower.

"Darling? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out." Danny knocked on the door.

"That would freak anyone out, Danny." I said back to him while scratching off a few dried splatters that I had found on my face.

"Can I come in?"

"I'm naked." I moved over and locked the door. I know he would just walk in if I didn't. I should have already, but I was far too focused on getting my clothes off.

"So?" I could hear the smirk he had on his face when he spoke.

"So, you can't come in." I held my arms out to the side as if he could actually see me. "I'm taking a shower."

I turned on the water so I could no longer hear him. I let out a deep breath once I stepped in the shower and rinsed away not only the remaining blood but the guilt and inner conflict that comes with staying with Danny.

After a while of scrubbing, I stepped out of the shower. I rushed in here so quickly before that I didn't grab any extra clothing.

"Dammit." I groaned as I grabbed a towel to wrap around myself. I decided to leave my old clothes on the ground while I slowly unlocked the bathroom door.

Just then, the doorbell rang. I could hear Danny go to answer it, so I took the opportunity to leave the bathroom and go to the bedroom door to lock it.

"Have you seen this woman?" I could hear a woman's voice come from the front door. I was far away enough that I could hardly tell what she was saying, but I could point that sentence out.

A missing woman already? It must have been the first victim of Ghostface. My heart throbbed while seeing it happen all over again.

I moved quickly to get changed in new and fresh clothing so I could get out of the bedroom and meet Danny at the front door. Once I saw him, I noticed his hair wet and any remaining evidence of Ghostface was gone. There must be a shower in the basement that I've never seen. At this point, I don't think I want to know what's all in the basement.

"I hope you find her. I'm sorry for your loss." Danny said before shutting the door swiftly. He folded a paper in half while turing to face me. I guess I missed most of the conversation while I was changing.

"Who was it?" My hands went to my arms as I lightly hugged myself.

"Don't know." He folded the paper once more before throwing it in the trash can. "I need to get to work."

"Get to work? You hardly slept last night." I scolded him as if we were a real couple. Even though we are to him.

"That's the life of Ghostface. I'll be back soon, darling." Danny took a sip of coffee before walking over to me and giving me a soft kiss on the forehead.

"I'll be here."

"I wouldn't expect you to be anywhere else." He chuckled while walking past me to the front door. "Oh, and if anyone comes by, just ignore them."

"Who would come by?" I raised an eyebrow as I leaned against the kitchen counter.

"I'm not sure yet." Danny said with his back facing me before he turned and quickly approached me. "Just don't make yourself known, you hear me?"

"I won't." I looked up at him. His voice was serious. The most serious I've heard him in a while. I'm not sure what's going on, but I can only assume Ghostface is a part of it.

"That's a good girl." Danny said while pushing his forehead against mine. "Stay safe."

"Safe? Why do I have to stay safe?" I asked as Danny went to the front door. He unlocked it and stepped outside into the sun.

"Just a saying my love." That was the last thing he said before shutting and locking the front door, officially leaving me alone in the house.

I went over and looked out the window to see him get in his car and drive down the street. After he was out of sight, I didn't waste any time going to the kitchen trash can.

I don't want to know anything about what Ghostface does in the night, but curiosity killed the cat. I've been alone in this quiet house for too many days and I needed to do something. Even if it hurts me emotionally.

I reached into the can and grabbed the neatly folded paper. Once I got it, I sat down at the table and unfolded it to reveal what it kept hidden from me.

All of a sudden, everything made sense. Danny wanted me to stay safe for a reason. At the same time, this brought up far too many questions that I didn't have an answer for.

The paper was a missing poster with a large photograph of me in the center of it. My real name and information was under the picture. Someone was looking for me.


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