Chapter 46

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"He's a what?" My jaw fell open as I raised my voice.

"Listen, how do you think I could get this house so soon? Do you think the previous owners bolted each door and window? It was him. He owed me a favor and fixed this place up for us." Danny walked up to me, placing his hands on my arms while lightly rubbing them.

"But... Just across the street? Two killers in one town?"

"I know, baby." Danny leaned forward, pressing his lips against my forehead before whispering to me. "I'll keep you safe from him, alright?"

I nodded my head, taking a deep breath while I slowly relaxed. I wasn't very keen on living with a serial killer, but at least I know Danny wouldn't hurt me. Living across from a completely new killer isn't exactly what I expected.

"That's a good girl. Now, let's get unpacked." Danny's hands slid down my arms to grab my hands, leading me down the tiny hallway to a bedroom. "Might as well start here since we'll be sleeping here tonight."

"We?" I already knew he'd make me sleep with him. I know he wants to so he can keep an eye on me as well as fill his strange fantasy about us.

"Fiances sleep in the same bed." Danny smirked at me while leading me into the bedroom.

Dust covered everything in the room, making me cough the second I stepped inside. I covered my mouth with my hand in an attempt to filter the air. The bedroom had barely anything in it. Only a bed in the center with a tiny table beside it. There were windows on each side of the bed, bringing natural light into the room. There were sliding doors on one side, leading to an average size closet.

"I'll get the bags. There's a closet just around the corner. Go grab a duster." Danny gave me a kiss on my temple before going towards the front door where all of our suitcases still were. I went around the corner just where Danny told me to find a small closet door.

I paused for a second when I found the basement. A small staircase leading straight down to a single door that looked like it was on the verge of falling apart. A single light dangled over the stairs, it's bright glow was soft and made it look eerie and dark.

I opened the tiny closet door, seeing many, and I mean many cleaning supplies. Why the hell would anyone need this much? That's when I froze. The doctor must have put all this here for Danny. It must be for cleaning any... crime that might happen. A chill went down my spine at the realization. I quickly grabbed the tiny duster in the very corner and shut the door.

That's when I paused. Danny wouldn't mind if I went to the basement, would he? Now I know it wouldn't be wise to just wonder down into a dark and creepy place when I'm not in the position I wish I was, but hear me out, all of the windows in this house are locked down tight. I'll have to break one just to get out of it, but maybe, just maybe, there could be one of those smaller windows in the basement that I could climb up to and get out of. What if that's a way to escape without getting anyone killed along the way.

So I started descending the stairs. Each step squeaked under my feet just like the floorboards everywhere else. That will be an issue. I can't sneak anywhere in this damn house.

I yelped when I felt a hand grab onto my shoulder, stopping me when I was just a few steps away from the door.

"You wouldn't want to see the basement of a serial killer, would you?" Danny asked me, his face completely blank. I shook my head, making his tone become softer and his grip loosen.

"How about you go to the bedroom then." Danny let go of my shoulder, allowing me to go back up the stairs.

He watched me for a few steps as I went up the stairs. I heard the squeaks start up again, except he was going down. I stopped for a minute and glanced behind me, seeing him put a lock on the door. I guess the basement plan is out.

"Come on, let's go." Danny went up the stairs quickly, catching up with me and putting a hand on my shoulder. He seems to really like holding onto me in every situation. I keep finding him grabbing onto me just to hold on while we did normal tasks.

Danny brought me back to the bedroom. I saw a few suitcases already in there. He was fast at being them here. Danny got to work instantly. Getting out our clothes first and hanging them up in the closet. I let Danny do his thing while I did mine.

I started dusting, brushing away all of the disgusting surface to show a much cleaner one. I completely zoned out while dusting. That is until I got grabbed around the waist. I gasped as I was lifted into the air and swung around to the middle of the room.

Danny spun me, so I was facing him. Our faces close together as he put my hands on his shoulders while his hands went to my waist. He swayed lightly, moving side to side as we danced around our new bedroom.

"I have something for you." He whispered to me while he continued to sway.

"Mhm?" I hummed as I let him move me around with the slow dance.

That was until he pulled away and grabbed something from his pocket. He opened his fist to show two rings.

"Might as well play the part of fiances." He whispered as my heart stopped.

"What? I don't get to see you on a knee?" I decided to tease, trying to keep the calm atmosphere.

That's when Danny pulled away from me while slowly lowering himself to the ground. With one knee out in front of him, he held my hands.

"Y/N, will you marry me?" He said with his charming smile, reminding me of what I felt when he was Jed. "There's only one answer."

After a long silence, I realized I couldn't say no. It literally wasn't an option for me. So I caved.



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