Chapter 14

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The doctor was quick to patch me up, making sure every piece of glass was taken out of me. I was covered in bandages. It wasn't the best style, but it was a better look than if Ghostface had killed me.

"There are police here." A nurse walked in the room right before the doctor was going to leave.

"Send them in. She's ready." Dr. Morel said while leaving the room.

Everything was fine, I was safe. Except I didn't feel safe. It was quiet when I was home alone. The neighborhood was quiet when I was attacked. Now, this room is quiet. The deep voice rang in my skull, bouncing off the sides and infecting my mind. Ghostface might have failed to kill me, but he succeeded in making me go mad.

"Miss. L/N?" A man walked into the room. "I'm here to ask a few questions about what happened."

I couldn't speak. Fear was caught up in my throat, closing it completely. I sat up and cleared it while he started to speak again.

"Can you explain to us what happened?"

"I got a call, and he attacked me. I survived by jumping out of a window." I know I have to explain it all, but I just can't. Thinking about that night was the last thing I wanted.

"How did he get in?" The man asked while looking down. It was like he was asking himself that question.

"I don't know." I whispered.

"What did he say on the phone?" The officer moved on to the next question.

"I... well, he -" I started to speak before I was cut off.

"I think she's had enough events for today." I looked up to see Jed standing in the doorway. "Give her some space, yeah?"

"Jed Olsen. You know more than anyone that she has information we need."

"And she'll say everything, just give her a break for now." Jed walked fully into the room, looking between me and the cop.

"We'll speak soon." The officer turned to me before he left the room. I never even got his name.

"Thanks, Jed." I relaxed into the bed, I felt much safer with Jed around.

"Of course. Are you okay?" His voice became more apologetic as he sat in a chair by the bed. His eyes scanned my body, looking at all the wounds.

"I'm surviving. It's just... what if he comes back for me?" I looked at my hands, my thumbs twirling in circles.

"If he comes," Jed placed a hand over both of mine, "I'll protect you."

My shaking hands started to calm down. I believe Jed and I know he's a kind soul.


"And you are free to go." Claudette Morel stood in front of me by the front door of the hospital.

"But what if he comes back? I can't be alone."

"I know... that's not our job. Try going to the police station." The doctor suggested.

"Right. Thank you for helping me." Was the last thing I said before leaving the hospital.

Though the hospital was eerie, it felt better to be there than in my own home. I don't even know if I was ready to go home after everything that happened. I could listen to Claudette and go to the police station, but I don't think they would help me either. It's not like they're a hotel, and I could just stay there until the Ghostface was caught. Even thinking of his name made me sick to the stomach.

I didn't have much of a plan on how to get home. I came here in an ambulance. The only options I had were either to walk or call someone to pick me up. I did know a few people I could call, a certain Jed Olsen at the top of my list. Except I got a call myself. A call I wasn't expecting.

"Have a way to get back home from the hospital? I can pick you up if not. We need to talk anyway." I answered the phone to be met with a voice instantly.

"You're sure?"

"Absolutely. I'll be there in about five minutes." The phone hung up. It was Henry. My boss. I don't know many other people whose boss wants to pick them up from the hospital.

Five minutes flew by, and Henry was spot on with the time. His car pulled up in front of me, and I got in swiftly. He started to drive off quickly. I know he's a busy man, but I wasn't expecting him to drive so fast.

"So I need something from you." Henry started off the conversation.

"Yes?" I was nervous about what he was about to say even though I shouldn't be.

"Your next article. It would be a hit if you wrote about how you survived. I need a long one, pack it with details. Not only would it help the police find the ghost, but it would also make some crazy sales." Henry spoke fast, trying to convince me. He obviously cares more for the money than the trauma I just experienced. I couldn't blame him, though. Money is money, and he was right. An article about this would spread like a wild fire.

"I'll do it." I said after much time to consider. It would help the cops, I am better at writing things than speaking anyway.

"Good, good. Call me if you need anything." Henry pulled up to my house. The drive was shorter than I had anticipated, but with his fast driving, I wasn't surprised.

"Thank you." I got out of the car and watched him speed off.

I turned around to see my house. How did Henry know where I lived? It was a question that made me instantly suspicious. I'm pretty sure my address was written somewhere in the gazette, but why would he spend the time to go through where everyone lives? Either he did it to drive me home or he has a dark secret he's not telling us.


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