Chapter 36

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I stopped all of my struggles. There's no way I could do anything if I'm panicking.

"You can get out. You can get out." I whispered to myself as I clenched my eyes shut tightly. My chest was rising slowly and falling at the same pace, breathing slowly to relax my heart rate.

The second I opened my eyes, I looked at what my wrists were tied to. It was just the wooden bed post. Danny wouldn't mind if he came home and this was broken. Will it probably get me killed? Yeah, probably, but I will not just lay here and do nothing.

I was able to move my legs up to the post, pulling them back before thrusting them forwards into the wood. Just one wasn't enough. So I did it again, and again, and again.

Eventually, the wood started to give in and snap under my feet. It broke slowly until it came apart. Once I was free, I pushed my body off of the bed and onto my feet. My hands were still tightly tied together, and I couldn't get the rope off. That's fine, I'll get the rope of when I'm in a safe place.

It was easy to run out of the bedroom and down the hall until I got to the front door. Of course, it was locked. Just my luck.

"Shit! No." I kicked the bottom of the door out of frustration. I had to calm myself down again to think.

Slowing down my own heart rate was a pain, but doable. Once I was calm again, I started to look around for anything that I could use. A sharp knife in the kitchen was perfect to cut the rope.

The second I had that thought, I went to the kitchen and found the perfect knife. I held it towards myself as I slashed it at the rope. It was tricky because of the way my hands were tied, but after enough rubbing, I got the rope cut and off of my wrists.

My wrists were red and bleeding. I don't think that's what Danny had planned. If I didn't panic so much, my wrists would have been fine. This isn't the time to reflect. It's time for action.

Searching through drawers in the house, I eventually found a paperclip holding together some of Jeds' writing. I didn't take any time to read the page even though I was curious about it. Instead, I ran to the front door, crouching down in front of it. My hands were shaking as I pulled the paperclip into the right shape before putting it in the keyhole.

Did I know a single thing about lock picking? No, this isn't skyrim. I know absolutely nothing about this. It was just a thing I've seen in movies.

"Come on..." frustrating started to grow the more I fiddled with the lock. Nothing I was trying was working. The paperclip would just keep bending into the lock instead of doing anything else. I was starting to think the movies aren't exactly accurate.

That was until I heard the lock click. A wide smile made its way onto my face just to be swept off instantly. It wasn't me who picked the lock. It was Danny. With an actual key.

"So... you got out of the rope." He set a box down on the ground the second he saw me. He knew I would run, and he was right. My legs sprung into action before my mind could even think of a plan. I ran past him just to have his arm wrap around my waist and tug on me, pulling me back into the house.

"Let go of me!" I sounded desperate as I fought against his grip.

"I'll let go if you promise not to run, and this will be a test." He pulled me inside and kicked the door closed behind him, leaving the box outside for now.

He pushed on my stomach, making me land on the couch. I continued to struggle against him, unable to escape because of his new grip on my arms.

"Relax." He crouched down in front of me, speaking at a whisper to calm me down.

I stopped struggling and just started to break down. My mind couldn't handle everything that was happening at this moment. My eyes started to water, and tears were fast to roll down my cheeks.

"Oh baby." Arms were tightly wrapped around me, Danny sitting beside me on the couch while he pulled me into a hug. As much as I wanted to fight him off of me, I accepted the hug. My body leaned into his as I let his arms pull me closer. My head rested on his chest just under his chin.

"Everything is okay. I promise I'll make you happy." He whispered while his hand brushed up and down my arm in a comforting way.

"I'm going to get the box on the step, okay? Stay here, and I'll reward you." Danny slowly pulled away from me, looking into my eyes. His words were nice, but his tone was serious. I don't want to know what would happen to me if I ran.

Danny stood up slowly, watching my every move as he did so. His feet moved under him, carrying him back to the front door. He only turned away once he made it to the door so he could open it and grab the box. I watched as Danny brought the box inside and locked the door behind him. I was mentally swearing at myself for not running, but there's no way I could have actually got out with him right there. I'll have a window in the future. I will escape the Ghostface.


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