Chapter 19

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I sat across from Randy. We drank our smoothies and chatted casually for a while. He was actually quite sweet. He cared about my hobbies and listened to my stories. The back of my mind wouldn't stop screaming that he was only trying to stalk me to terrorize me later.

Jed brought me much comfort. He sat behind Randy so only I could see him. Every once in a while, we would make eye contact. Jed would smile at me before taking a sip of his smoothie. If I choose to go anywhere but home, I should start going to places with Jed. I trust him a lot more than anyone else I've met. Not to mention the way his milk chocolate eyes made me feel like I'm floating.

A little while later, Randy and I finished our smoothies.

"Are you sure you don't need any more company? I just want to make sure you're safe from... well, you know." He asked with a hint of concern.

"I'm sure, thank Randy. This was nice. I'll see you at work." We said our goodbyes and split ways after we made it to our own cars.

"Do you really think it was him?" Jed made me jump. He was right behind me, a mere inch away, and I didn't even know it.

"I have no clue. I really thought so at first, but after all that? He's far too nice." I shook my head and looked down towards the ground.

"Maybe that's why he keeps getting away." Jed planted another thought in my head. I know he's just trying to protect me.

"Maybe you're right. I can't really trust anyone right now." I turned to look at Jed, making eye contact with his intense gaze.

"I'll see you soon, Y/N. Stay safe." Jed placed a hand on my shoulder for a second before turning to leave.

"Bye." My word was simple. I really didn't want to be alone. Especially without Jed. His watchful gaze made me feel safe. I knew I was protected when he was around.

I left to my own car and drove home with my head in the clouds. There has been so much thinking today. I really just need a night to myself to relax.

The second I got home, I made sure every single door and window were locked shut. I made sure no ghost was getting inside. Every curtain was shut all the way, also making it so I don't have a stalker.

Once everything was cleared, I had some time to relax. It took a while to figure out what I could do, but the second I put on the most comfy pajamas I could find, I knew I had to watch a movie.

Which movie in question? It's still a mystery. I sat down on my couch and turned on the television. There were a few good picks. Most of my favorites were slashers, but considering what's been happening. I didn't pick any of those. I made sure all the lights were off. Not only would it look like no ones home, but it would make the movie so much better.

That's when I stumbled upon Jurassic Park. It had the horror element that I was looking for, and it didn't have a man in a mask hunting down someone. The perfect pick, in my opinion.

I instantly clicked start on the movie but had to stop it right away. I can't watch a movie without snacks. Especially when I'm trying to relax.

The couch was comfortable, but I know it'll be worth the snack trip. So, I forced myself to stand up and walk to the kitchen. There was still little to no food since I moved in.

There was, however, a bag of M&M's that I could munch on. A delightful treat for a freshly traumatized girl.

I grabbed the bag and walked back into the living room. It was incredibly dark. I could still find my way, but if Ghostface peeked through the window right now, he wouldn't find me.

"Going on dates now?" A voice made me jump out of my skin and gasp so painfully I almost choked on my own neck and died.

"Calm down. Don't act like you didn't know I'd show up." A dark mass moved from the shadows. I could only see the mask. The Ghostface had gotten into my home again. How does he do it?

I was speechless. My hands were trembling and yet still held onto the M&M's bag like my life depended on it.

"I'm not going to kill you, remember? I just want to know what you were doing with a guy. Tell him about me?" Ghostface spoke with confidence. He spoke like he knew every single thing there was to know about this. He was only asking me to taunt me.

"No... I didn't tell him anything." I said lowly, at almost a whisper as I started to back up.

Ghostface moved at the same pace I did, getting closer to the light. I could see his entire form in the TV light. He was the exact same as I saw him before, tall and menacing.

"Be a good girl and keep your social status to a minimum. I can't stalk two people at the same time. Not to mention, I thought you would be home at 8:15 after work." Ghostface kept moving closer and closer.

"I- you can't." I started to speak until Ghostface got way too close to me and put a single finger over my lips.

"Don't talk. I'm the one making the rules here, remember?" He looked at me through the mask until he glanced over at the TV.

"A dinosaur movie? Not a slasher?"

"I didn't think a slasher would be nice right now... I mean, I'm kind of in one." I spoke calmly as if I had everything under control. I also made sure to pick and choose my words wisely. It would not be great if the Ghostface got mad at me now.


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