- Chapter 0 -

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Scar grinned to himself, patting Jellie between the ears. He leaned back further into his chair. A letter from Grian lay on the desk in front of him, unopened. In the soft lamplight, Scar could make out the few words on the envelope addressed to him.




Sighing, Scar accepted he could no longer leave the letter for much longer. It had already been a few days since it had appeared on his doorstep, and also the letter kept nagging him, begging to be opened. So, Scar held the envelope to the light, before tearing it open and pulling out a piece of paper.


I found something really, really bad. You have to come immediately. I've included a map in the letter. Please, come as soon as possible. It's really important- meet me at the place on the map.


Scar felt a surge of guilt. He had carelessly just left the letter for days, and now Grian must have been waiting at that one spot on the map. Another piece of paper fell out of the envelope. It was indeed a map, leading to a place that seemed very far away.

Jellie started meowing quietly. Scar's hand automatically went to pet her behind the ears, still staring at the map.

"I can hear the gears in your brain slowly turning," came a voice.

"Grian!" Scar said with delight. "Oh, yeah, by the way I forgot to open the letter for a few days after I got it, so that's why I wasn't there-" Scar said, standing up with one hand holding Jellie and the other holding the map and letter.

"...Scar, I didn't send you a letter. I came to talk about the one you sent me." Grian said, sounding confused.

"What? But here- look, look at this letter!" Scar said, shoving the letter in Grian's face. Grian read it a few times then gave it back. "Scar, I didn't write that. This could be a trap- SCAR, WAIT!" Grian yelled as Scar grabbed Jellie and the map, put them (gently) in a small sack, put on his elytra, took the sack and flew away. Grian groaned. "It's like babysitting a toddler," He grumbled. Grian took off, flying after Scar and hoping to catch up.

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