- Chapter 25 -

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FWhip heard something and turned around. 

Lizzie followed his gaze, gasped, and ran forward. She embraced her newly-dead husband in a large hug, tears pricking her eyes. The two were sobbing and pretending not to be, comforting each other. 

FWhip smiled and felt his own eyes fill with tears. Looking away, he saw something out of the corner of his eye. A... zombie? A zombie girl? Floating? Looking transparent? 

Lizzie noticed his gaze when she stepped out  of the hug. She cautiously took a few steps towards the floating zombie-girl-thing.  She reached out to touch the zombie-girl-thing and the two disappeared. 

Joel yelled in shock and ran forwards, when a large square opened in front of him and he stopped. FWhip looked down into it beside him. It was that zombie girl. But... Lizzie?

"Someone explain what's happening-" FWhip groaned. A stack of paper filled his arms suddenly. "ACK- WHAT-"

Joel turned to look at him and grabbed one of the papers, reading it. He read it a few times in his head, then out loud: "Lizzie will possess Cleo, Joel will be sad, FWhip-" Joel cleared his throat. "FWhip will disappear, too, endergirl will appear." 

"Endergirl?" FWhip questioned.

Joel nodded. "But it's crossed out at your name. This... idea? Must've not been used- for something- Um-"

The glowing square down to the real world changed and showed a bedroom. In the room,there were two girls, one with short orange-brown hair and the other with dark brown hair edged with bits of gold. "So then what's gonna happen-" The dark-brown-haired girl said, pointing out a piece of paper, "Is that these two- FWhip and Joel- Well, I don't actually know yet."

"Is this an idea?" The orangey-brown-haired one asked, pointing at the crossed out words.

"Was an idea. Now it's just trash. I can't think of anything, Ivy, help meeeee," The other girl wailed, dramatically flopping onto the bed. She pulled up a computer and logged in. "Ooh, look! A new message from Estella!" She said excitedly, showing the screen to her friend. 

"Who?" The other girl asked, her head tilted.

"Estella! My bestie! Duh!"

"I thought I was your bestie?"

"Listen, Ive, your my bestie that I know in real life, Estella is my bestie on Wattpad."

The square shuffled again, showing the brown-haired girl laying down in the bed, on her computer, the screen shining in the dark. The alarm clock on the bedside table read: 11:20 PM

Joel noticed immediately what she was watching. Gem's Empires Season 2 videos. The screen of the girl's computer changed and she was tapping on the keyboard.

Joel saw to the side, a desk with a pencil case over top of a drawing. He recognized one thing. One drawing. Gem.

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