- Chapter 19 -

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Cleo suddenly felt tired. Very tired. Her head started spinning, her vision turned scarlet.

"Seri..." Cleo gasped. "I don't think that was medicine."

Seri was looking pale. She shoved the wolves out of the room.

Join me, join me, join me, Cleo's thoughts were going crazy.

Give in, let go, join me, They sang.

Cleo somehow knew she shouldn't, she knew she couldn't. But oh gosh, she wanted to. She wanted to just fall asleep. She was so tired. And her sight was getting worse. It was swirling scarlet.


Cleo couldn't move. Was that Pearl, calling her name?


No, she was just imagining it... Right?


Nope, definitely not imagining it. 

Cleo opened her eyes. She saw Pearl's face. 

"Oh my gosh, you're okay!" Pearl gasped.

"...Are you crying?" Cleo asked, sitting up slowly.

Pearl laughed through her tears. "No- no- I'm- I was just so worried! Cleo-"

Cleo felt strange. She tried to open up her clenched fists. They wouldn't budge. Cleo tried opening her mouth to speak to Pearl, but that wasn't working either.

"Cleoooooo? You're eyes are red...?"

"Back away, pesky child." Cleo felt her own mouth move. 

"P-Pesky child!?" Pearl's entire face turned red. "What do you mean?"

"I mean pesky child," Cleo said. "Back away."

False entered the room. She gaped at Cleo, who was now floating. 

It was all clear now.

Cleo was being possessed.

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