- Epilogue -

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Xisuma pinned the last poster to the telephone pole in front of him. It read:

Missing. If found, report immediately. Last seen: 3 Months Ago.

There was a picture underneath, a picture of Gem, False, Pearl, Scar, Grian, Mumbo, Bdubs, Cleo and Etho.

He heard Joe sigh beside him. Joe had been feeling down lately. So had everybody else.

Xisuma jumped as Iskall landed beside him, holding Scar's cat in their hands. "Look what I found!" They exclaimed.

Xisuma and Joe shared the same look of excitement and confusion. "Hey Jellie," Joe cooed, rubbing her under the chin. Jellie meowed. 

"D'you know where Scar and the others are?" 

Jellie jumped from Iskall's arms and started walking off towards the dark oak forest. Until something swooped down and snatched her up. The "thing" turned out to be Cub, and Cub landed behind the three of them, holding a very shocked Jellie.

"Guys, bad news." 

At those words, Xisuma saw a bleeding scratch on Cub's arm. "Hm?" He asked, confused.

"Stress. She's gone. I... something came after me, I barely made it." Cub explained, looking down at Jellie.

Joe took out a bandage he somehow had and started to wrap it around Cub's arm. 

"Hey... Look! Jellie's got a map on her stomach!" Cub suddenly exclaimed. He tore a piece of paper away from Jellie's belly and held it out. Iskall grabbed it and flew off. Joe followed, and soon after, Cub. Xisuma took one last glance at the town behind him and flew off as well, following the three flying idiots.

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