- Chapter 1 -

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Gem rubbed her head, blinking slowly. She sat up and looked around. She was in some sort of box. A crack of light came from behind her. Gem turned and saw a pair of small doors. Voices were coming from outside of the "box" she was in.

"Where is  this place?"

"I wonder if..."

"You don't think it could be..."

Gem peered through the crack. She saw people, all in what seemed to be a kitchen, talking. Gem had the sudden desire to sneeze. She held her breath but it was too late.


The voices stopped. "Did that cupboard just sneeze?" Someone said. Gem's heart pounded. These strangers would find her, surely. She heard footsteps approaching. Holding her breath, Gem waited for the doors to open, which they would any moment now, and she would look pathetic hiding in a cupboard. 

"Wait," Came a different voice "It could be a trap, FWhip."

"Or," Suggested the first voice, "It could be a person! A nice person, trapped in a cupboard. Someone like- Gem!" The cupboard doors opened.

"Hi?" Gem said quietly. 

"What are you doing in a cupboard?" The second voice, Gem now recognized as Lizzie, asked.

"I... actually have no idea. Can I come out now?" Gem asked.

"Yeah, sure," FWhip laughed. He pulled Gem out of the cupboard onto her feet. 

"Sooo... where is this place? How'd we get here?" Lizzie questioned.

"I- I don't know- what?" Gem started panicking a bit. "Why would I know?"

"Yeah!" FWhip cut in, "Lizzie, give Gem some space. She's probably real confused right now. How would you react if you woke up in a cupboard?"

Lizzie sighed. Her long pink hair glittered in the light of the kitchen. "Sorry, Gem. I'm just... really on edge these days..." She crossed her arms and looked down at her feet.

Joel came from a small doorway to the right of the room. "Hey Gem," He said, as though not bothered by the sudden appearance of her.

"Hi, Joel." Gem said softly.

"Anything new?" FWhip asked, "Like, perhaps, any broken windows or secret rooms?"

"Yeah, actually." Joel murmured. Everyone stared at him in surprise, except for Gem, who was quite confused at the moment. "There's two people flying this way. But if they come in-"

"They'll get trapped!" Lizzie said, alarmed. Her eyes flitted around the room, wide now, and anxious. She ran off out of the kitchen and down a long hallway ended by some stairs. 

"Lizzie!" Joel yelped, running after her. 

"I thought we said we would stick together?" FWhip called. He groaned. "Well, let's see who's coming now... You coming Gem?" FWhip asked. Gem nodded and they both ran off down the hall.

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