- Chapter 10 -

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A childish laugh echoed through the room. Gem raised her head, eyes glowing a bright red.

"Are we gonna play a game?" She asked, still laughing. 

"What have you done to my- our friend?!" FWhip yelled.

Gem- no, not Gem- frowned. "...That's what you think?" She asked. A small glowing red orb of light floated up from the ground into Not-Gem's hands. "Two can play at that game," She whispered menacingly. The orb grew and burst, causing everyone to shield their eyes. FWhip was forced backwards. His back hit against the wooden wall inside the dining room.

Not-Gem was floating in the same place. Having embraced the whole attack, there were now bruises and scratches across her arms. Tears kept falling down her cheeks. Her eyes started flashing from red to her normal green. 

"Gem! Try to fight it!" FWhip yelled, standing up. He grabbed an iron sword he somehow had and pointed it at the impostor. 

"You can't injure me with that," Not-Gem laughed. "You'll only injure your dear friend."

"Sister," FWhip corrected. "And it looks like she's doing a great job of fighting your... possessing powers!

"Possessing powers? Please. I do more than just possess."

"What do you do? Hide around in some cubby hole? Make people do your bidding?"

"No," Not-Gem snarled. "I torture and I kill. I tear families apart." She (they?) said in an odd, high-pitched voice.

FWhip's hands trembled as he held the sword but he ignored it. 

"Awwwh... Is wittle baby fwhippy scared?" Not-Gem cooed.

FWhip swung the sword suddenly. It scraped a scar over Not-Gem's left eye. Not-Gem let out some sort of screechy wail, clutching her closed eye. She fell to the ground. The red magic around her disappeared.

With a clang, FWhip's sword fell to the ground and he ran over to Gem.

"Gem. Gem. Gem, wake up." He said softly, shaking Gem's shoulder.

Gem let out a groan. Her left eyelid was closed and the large scratch over it was bleeding. She sat up. Her one eye saw FWhip and widened. They were green again.

"Gem- Gem I'm so sorry-" Before he could say another word, Gem threw her arms around him.

The hug lasted for several moments before Gem pulled away.  "FWhip- You have to run-"

Red magic started slowly creeping through the floor.

"FWhip- I can't stop it, please-" Gem clutched her chest.

"But- but Gem-"

"Please!" Gem cried, tears running down her cheeks. "Get the others and go!"

More red magic appeared, swirling around Gem.

"RUN!" was the last thing she said before the red magic consumed her... and Not-Gem was back.

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