- Chapter 30 - The Finale -

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All the ghosts watched from above. Or, rather, in the room. FWhip was busy sitting beside his twin sister, Joel and Lizzie were walking around the room, examining the patients injuries and letting the dogs know with hand symbols, as the dogs could see them but not hear them.

Grian had different things on his mind. He enjoyed whisking around the room, trying to comfort his mustached friend but failing, as Mumbo couldn't actually see him. 

Today something was different. Something was... off. Grian could feel it, it felt like something pulling him towards the sky. But no need to worry about that, he decided. Now was the now, later was later. And now, apparently, was the time to feel peaceful. But boy, did he want to live again. 

There is a way, came some random voice at the back of his mind. 

What? He thought back, confused, but eager.

There is a way, I said. I know a way.

Tell me! Grian thought back. A way to live again!

Alright. It is very simple, but first, do something for me...

Anything! Grian found himself thinking.

Don't let them throw away your bodies. The voice said with an edge of anger. 

Okay. Grian thought. He headed over to Lizzie and Joel. "Hey guys!" He said eagerly. "I have a very special job for you. I know how to get us back to our bodies."

Joel and Lizzie looked surprised, but ready. "How do you know?" Joel asked, confusion edging his voice.


Don't tell them about me.

Why not?

Just don't.

Grian cleared his throat and started again. "I... figured it out?"

"Alright. What's the task?" Lizzie asked, looking happy.

"Don't let them throw away our bodies." Grian said. He turned on his heel and walked towards a wall. He looked back one last time and added, "We're next." Then he turned and vanished into the wall.

- So I finished my first book, huh?

The sequel is out now!!

This has been an amazing story to write.

And until next time! Or, as Stacy says it,

"Page and Molly love you, go rescue a dog!"

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