- Chapter 2 -

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The sun started to set by the time Grian and Scar landed in front of a huge mansion. The doors to the inside were made of dark wood.

"Don't even think about it," Grian said firmly, pulling Scar's arm backwards. "Let's just go back to town. C'mon, Scar. Scar?"

"I hear people inside," Scar said thoughtfully. More to himself than to Grian, it seemed.

"Scar..." Grian said, annoyed. He pulled harder on Scar's sleeve.

"Grian, there's people in there! Grian!"

Scar was just talking rubbish now, Grian decided. "There is no way anyone would be foolish enough to go-" suddenly, he heard it. Muffled screams came from behind the doors.

"Scar, whatever you're thinking, DO NOT do it. Something really bad must be happening over there. We have to go. Now, Scar. Scar!"

Scar shook Grian off of his arm and ran forwards. He ran up to the door and started trying to pry it open frantically. There was a soft click and Scar fell into the doors.


A muffled yell came from behind the doors. There was silence. Grian felt his stomach flip over in worry.


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