- Chapter 6 -

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"Look! They landed! Haha, I knew it! Lizzie, you owe me five bucks!" FWhip said happily. 

Lizzie's shoulders seemed to sigh with relief. She turned away from the window, about to write on another sheet of paper.

"NO!" Scar cried. Lizzie turned back to the window to see the red-sweater one fall into the door. "Are you kidding me?" She groaned. "Okay, who's gonna go welcome the new guy?" But Scar had already bolted down the corridor towards the entrance. 

"Oh! Oh, look! That guy- Etho, I think- picked up the piece of paper!" Gem said excitedly. 

Lizzie was barely aware of what happened next. Apparently, four new people came inside by touching the door. Lizzie ran down the hallway after Scar. She saw the four new people. Sitting them all up along the door, she faced them. "You had ONE JOB. DO. NOT. COME. INSIDE. Honestly!" She snarled at them. "You'd think it's a hard rule to follow."

"Did anyone else see that...?" asked a bleary-eyed person.

"The person with pink hair yelling at us?" another with a red sweater asked. "Yeah, saw that."

"No... there was... ah, never mind."

"Is ANYONE going to acknowledge what I just said!?" Lizzie asked angrily.

"I can acknowledge that you probably hate us, and also waitwhyareyouglowingpurple-"

"Lizzie!" Joel yelled. He ran down the steps towards his wife.

Lizzie looked down at her hands. A purple outline had appeared around them. "J-Joel-?"


She woke up in a strange dark room. "Ugh... my head..." Lizzie started to rub the back of her head. She took a closer look around the room. "What in the- AAH!"

A small girl that appeared to be about eleven years old had appeared randomly with a bright purple flash in front of her. The girl had long, brown hair with streaks of gold in it and strangely beautiful purple eyes. "Hello," The girl's voice had a strange sort of rhythm to it. Her throat made odd little noises as she spoke. 

"Who are you!?" Lizzie asked, confused, scared, and kind of angry.

"Who are you?" The girl asked. "I don't have a name. They call me friend."

"They? Who's they?"

A few hundred endermen filled the room. They all made their strange noises. Lizzie quickly looked down. 

"Oh, don't worry." Said the girl. "They won't attack you if you look at them. I think. At least, they don't attack me."

"They- What- You can look at endermen and NOT be killed?" Lizzie exclaimed. "T-that's impossible!"

"Not if you understand them." The girl said in and eerily happy voice.

"Understand them?"

"They talk, just like all other things. I'm just lucky enough, I guess, to be... chosen. I know a frienderman who likes flowers, poor thing, those can't grow in the void."

A sudden beeping noise rang out. The endermen all reacted, seeming to be even taller than before. "Oh, oops. Guess your time's up. Bye bye!" And with a wave of her hand, the strange girl made Lizzie disappear for the second time.

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