- Chapter 11 -

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Without thinking, Etho ran out from the hallway and grabbed FWhip, who had grabbed the iron sword. Both of them ran into the hallway. A large beam of light came from the dining room. Etho heard Lizzie scream and turned to the the end of her shirt on fire. Joel was yelling with anger and shock. The others just huddled in a small corner.

Etho peered into the dining room to see Gem floating again, red magic surrounding her body. 

Everything went quiet. Lizzie's shirt somehow extinguished, Joel stopped yelling, everyone in the corner stopped whispering. 

"You can run, but you can't hiiiiide..." Not-Gem said in a childish high-pitched voice.

Purple magic seeped up through the floorboards and surrounded the crew. 

"W-what's happening?" Someone in the corner squeaked. Etho caught a glance of the possessed Gem peering through the door into the hallway, before a bright flash of purple blinded him.

Gem watched as they all disappeared. Her mind sighed with relief, while her body pouted angrily. Her arms and legs stung with the cuts from the explosions, her eye was bleeding and around the scratch, turning purple. 

She felt the thing leave her body, and Gem landed neatly on the wooden planks. She tried to run into the attic. Gem spotted a tray with some food and water. Quickly, realizing how hungry and thirsty she was, Gem started eating the sandwich. Her body froze. At first she was confused, with the sandwich half to her mouth. Then she saw the red magic coming out of the floor. "Nice try," She felt herself whisper. Then the world went black.

Grian groaned for about the fifth time. He lay there, on the floor, in an obsidian box, alone, with thousands of mobs outside of the box. There were so many skeletons trying to shoot him that they started just shooting zombies, creepers, spiders and other skeletons. 

Grian had gotten used to the sound of mobs dying now, but it was still very loud and annoying. 

"He's in here, sir..." Came a strange voice.

"Hmm. Good. Begin the process." Came an even stranger voice.

Process? What kind of process? Grian thought. "OW!" He yelped. Something sharp had come through the floor. He caught a glimpse of something sharp sticking through his body before he fainted.

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