- Chapter 4 -

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Grian started  to pace in front of the door, thinking. He heard more yelling and stopped dead in his tracks.

"Scar? Scar!? Are you okay?" Grian tried to yell through the doors. Nothing. With a sigh, Grian started to pace again when he had an idea. He flew off towards the town, with the map in his hands.

The town was lit up, despite the darkness, and Grian was able to find his way around the town easily. "Anyone... Someone..." He murmured. He spotted two people down below. "Oh, thank god," Grian said with a sigh of relief. He dove down towards the people and accidentally collided into one. 

"AH! What-!"

"Hi, Bdubs," Grian said, getting up.

"Grian! You crashed into me!" Bdubs said.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Listen, I need your help. Me and Scar went to this weird mansion and then he sort of fell through the doors and I heard him yelling and now I need help to-"

"Hey, slow down, Grian!" Came another voice. Grian turned around.

"Start from the beginning. What happened with you and Scar?" Etho said.

It took what felt like the entire night to explain what had happened in that forest. By the time Grian had finished explaining, the sun had begun to rise.

"So... any ideas?" Grian asked.

"I know!" Etho said excitedly, "TNT! We can explode the door!"

"And injure Scar? I don't think so."

"But it's worth a try," Bdubs said thoughtfully. "If we get Scar out, that's all that matters, right?"

Grian fell silent.

"Right..?" Bdubs added.

"Fine, fine. I guess it's worth a try..." Grian muttered. "Lets go. Follow me." 

The three of them flew to the mansion, checking the map every now and then.

Grian was the first to land at the mansion, in front of the door. 

"Grian! Look out!" 

Grian felt something collide with him and he fell forwards. A soft click and he was pushed through the doors into the mansion.

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