- Chapter 18 -

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Pearl watched from the edge of the clearing as Cleo was dragged away. She and False tried to go after her, Mumbo held them back. 

"But- But Cleo-!"

"We'll get her another time. For now, let's just focus on what's happened." Mumbo said wisely.

Pearl stopped struggling. She sighed and walked back to the small clearing where everyone was hiding at the moment.

Etho was tending to a rather large scratch on his arm. That guy from empires, Joel, was sitting against a tree. Bdubs was sleeping. Again. 

"Where are all the other hermits?" False asked.

Etho, Mumbo and Joel froze. 

"Well... to make a long story short..."

It took the entire day to explain everything.

"...and then we woke up here!" Etho finished.

"I- I'm sorry- Grian died?!" Pearl asked, shocked.

"Scar, Lizzie and FWhip are all missing." Mumbo muttered. "And Cleo just got dragged away, so that makes four..."

"Speaking of Cleo," False interrupted, "I say we mount a rescue mission. We need to get her back."

Pearl nodded, her face still looking shocked and betrayed.

"All in favor of saving our friend, say aye!"

"Aye!" Yelled Pearl, Mumbo, Etho, and Bdubs.

Joel just nodded.

"Alright! Let's go!"

And the group set off, to save their zombie friend.

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