- Chapter 26 -

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Grian felt someone shake his shoulders and he woke up with a groan. He saw the mustached man before he realized what was happening. There was blood everywhere. Three dead people. One half-dead GeminiTay laying in the second bed. And a whole load of chaos. 

Mainly the fact that there was a whole lot of red magic seeping through the floor.

Grian jumped back and hid behind the second bed, grabbing the unconscious Gem with him as the room exploded with red light. He poked his head up to see what was happening. And saw him.

Scar. Floating. Being controlled, just as Gem had been.

The room instantly turned into a huge battle scene as some girl with the blue-and-white striped shirt swung a sword at Scar, her wolves went after him, Mumbo just hid in a corner and Bdubs... slept?

Grian facepalmed. Of course Bdubs would sleep in the middle of the chaos.

He looked down to Gem again when she lout a quiet moan of pain. She was absolutely covered  in scratches that were bleeding. 

"Hey Gem. You OK?" Grian asked, ducking as a beam of magic blasted above his head.

Gem's eyes fluttered open and widened. "G-Grian-? But- What's- What's happening?" She murmured, left hand rubbing the back of her head. 

"Well Scar's being possessed by the same thing as you, sooooo..."

Gem seemed to nearly have a heart attack at the sight of the red magic seeping through the floors. Once she realized it wasn't coming for her, she calmed down.

"You OK?" Grian asked again, "You know none of this is your fault, right-"

"It IS my fault! Grain, I- I did t-this-" Gem sobbed, her head in her hands.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down, take a deep breath. Explain it when you're ready." Grian soothed, rubbing her back and calmly dodging another blast of light.

Gem was silent for a few moments, catching her breath. Finally, she said. "Grian- I did this t-to Scar-"

Grian was in shocked silence. "Y-you what?! It- how?! WHY?!" he asked, stepping back and standing up halfway.

"Grian, please understand-"

"Understand WHAT, Gem?! This-" Grian waved his hands around in the air, "CHAOS?! Well, news to you, welcome to life!" They were both standing up now, facing each other.

"You don't understand! Please just let me explain-!"

"Explain what's happening to Scar!" Grian yelled.


The entire room went silent. Even possessed Scar had stopped yelling. Gem was sobbing quietly.

Grian took another step back. He saw out of the corner of his eye, a red beam of light, and before he could move, before anyone could save him, it hit him in the chest.

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