- Chapter 8 -

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FWhip ran into the dining hall room first. Scar and Grian burst in at the same time, followed by Mumbo, Etho, Joel and Bdubs. 

Gem was pinned to the wall by a knife that had caught in her sweater inches to her neck.

FWhip started trying (and failing) to pull the knife out of the wood wall that kept Gem in place. "It's in deep, Gem," He said, hopelessly pulling on the handle of the knife. 

"Welcome, visitors..." Came an odd, drawling voice. "You will be very useful..." The voice echoed around the room. 

"FWHIP! LOOK OUT!" Gem shoved FWhip out of the way as an arrow flew and hit the wall where FWip's head had been a second earlier.

"Playing games, are we?" the voice laughed. "I have a very fun game..."

Another arrow hit a button on the ceiling. The floor beneath Gem opened up. The knife holding her to the wall chose that moment to rip through her sweater, and Gem was sent screaming down into a pit. It all seemed to happen in slow motion, FWhip lunging forward to grab Gem and failing by an inch or two. "GEM!" He yelled, as the planks closed up, covering the hole.

"That game also comes with a prize..." Taunted the voice.

"What do you want from us!?" Joel yelled from somewhere near the entrance. "What have we done to possibly- LIZZIE!" 

Lizzie had appeared in a blinding flash, tied up and floating.

"As I was saying..." the voice said, with a hint of laughter. "A prize. IF," it added quickly, seeing Joel stepping forward to grab his wife. A trident appeared out of thin air, next to Joel.

"If you hit the target." A target also appeared, dangerously close to Lizzie.

"Joel," Grian whispered. "If you miss-"

"I know what will happen, thank you very much." Grabbing the trident, Joel aimed, keeping his eye where he wanted to launch. "Why have I never thrown a trident..." He groaned quietly. Joel threw the trident and it seemed to fly purposefully into the center of the target. 

"Well?" Joel called, staring at the ceiling. "I hit the bullseye on the target. Isn't that enough for you?!"

"Yes, yes, I suppose I made a promise... Here you are..." Lizzie floated, unconscious, and landed at Joel's feet, who immediately crouched down to help untie his lover.

The room went very quiet. Then, FWhip whispered:

"What just happened?"

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