- Chapter 5 -

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"Grian! Look out!" Bdubs hollered. He was coming in too fast, he knew it. He saw Grian start to turn, but it was too late. He crashed into him and Grian fell into the door. "No!" Bdubs lay there, on the grass, where a moment before his friend had stood.

Etho landed beside him. "Hey, where's Grian? I heard yelling. Are we ready to blow this place-"

"No! Don't! Grian's in there! Don't blow it up!"

"What? What do you mean? He was here a minute ago." Etho tilted his head.

"I- I bumped into him- he fell in-" Bdubs grew red with embarrassment. "I-it's not my fault!"

Etho stared at him.

"...is it?"

Etho patted Bdubs on the back reassuringly. "Nah, it couldn't have been your fault. Wrong place, wrong time. So... How do we get him out? Is there something here?" He started looking around the mansion. "Whoa, what's this?" he said, holding up a piece of paper. "Bdubs, look! It has writing on- oh no."

"What?" Bdubs asked, feeling nervous.

Etho held up the paper. On it were big, black letters forming the words: DO NOT COME INSIDE


"We need extra help. Maybe someone who knows redstone?" Etho said, with an expression of pure confusion.

"Did I hear redstone?" MumboJumbo landed beside Etho.

"Hi, Mumbo," Said Bdubs and Etho.

"Also, yeah, redstone. Whenever someone touches that door over there, they get teleported into that creepy mansion thing. Can you... figure it out?" Etho asked.

"I can try," Mumbo said. He examined the doors while happily humming. "Found it!" He called, and Etho and Bdubs ran over. "Look!" Mumbo said, pointing. "Pressure plates. On the door and on the ground. If you touch one, you must be teleported inside, or- NO DON'T TOUCH IT-"

Etho had poked one of the pressure plates. Something pushed him, and he fell through the door.

Mumbo let out a long sigh.

"Wait," Bdubs said, "What pushed him?"

Mumbo opened his mouth to speak when he suddenly disappeared.

"Mumbo...?" Bdubs saw something purple and glowing float around him. He turned around and caught a glimpse of a small girl with big, purple eyes before he felt the world slip away.

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