- Chapter 27 -

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Etho looked around the cave again, wondering why this build had sides. Frankly, buildings just looked better without sides and "walls".

"Ow!" Etho yelped.

"It might hurt less if you stay still!" False hissed.

Etho rolled his eyes. He heard sudden yelling in the other room. He tried to get up and yelled in pain again. 

Pearl suddenly bolted out of the room, tripping and landing, scraping her knees. She was panting and bleeding, but overall just looking shocked.

"Pearl!" Both Etho and False exclaimed. They rushed over and False gasped at what was coming out of the room next. They were... ghosts? 

"Okay, I know it looks weird, but please don't freak out?" One of them said.

The other one facepalmed and muttered, "Too late..."

Etho was not freaking out. Not one bit. Nope. Just some ghosts. Nothing to be afraid of...

 He was freaking out.

"OhmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmyOW!" Etho yelled as False slapped him in the face.

"So. Um. Hi." One of the ghosts said. "Um. It's me Lizzie. And Joel."

"L-Lizzie and Joel?!" False and Pearl gasped (Etho was still kinda in shock).

"Yup. We died!" Joel's ghost said with sarcastic excitement.

Lizzie's ghost cleared her throat and said, "Gem went haywire and killed me and FWhip, then attempted to murder herself, and Joel also killed himself."

"Gem?! She would never do that!" Pearl gasped.

"She would if she had the right reasons," Joel grumbled angrily. 

"Okay, okay, start from the beginning." False interrupted.

"So, once upon a time, a month or two ago..." Joel and Lizzie explained, helped by Etho.

"Aaaand then we ended up here!" Lizzie finished.

A very tired-looking Cleo popped her head into view. "Hey guys, what's up?" She yawned.

"The sky," Joel said under his breath, just loud enough for Lizzie, who hit him gently in the shoulder, to hear.

"Cleo!" False and Pearl hurried forwards, checking Cleo's injuries and asking nervous questions.

Joel pulled out the stack of papers from before and began flipping through them.

"What're those?" Lizzie asked, taking a peek. She gasped, a hand covering her mouth.

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