- Chapter 22 -

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Lizzie felt someone shaking her shoulder and she opened her eyes, sitting up. Everything was white. She blocked the view with her hands and gasped when she saw they were all scratched up.

"Um. Hi." Came a voice.

Lizzie turned to see FWhip. He looked almost as scratched up as she was, if not more. "Are you okay?" Lizzie asked. 

FWhip nodded. He looked shocked. "I- I don't actually feel any pain."

Lizzie looked at her own arms again and tilted her head. The scrapes were supposed to hurt- right? "M-me neither- Something weird is going on." She said.

"Break my arm," FWhip said suddenly, holding out his arm.


"Break my arm." He said, firmly.

Lizzie sighed. She grabbed FWhip's arm and said, "LDShadowLady is not responsible for any deaths or injuries that might occur." Then, with a sickening crack, she broke FWhip's arm in half.

She expected him to scream in pain. Or to start sobbing, or something. But all he did was sit there. There was no change in expression, or even movement, as he sat there and watched his broken arm.

"Well?" Lizzie asked, still somewhat feeling as if she had betrayed someone.

"Lizzie." FWhip said in a hushed voice. His head turned to look at her.

"I think we're dead."

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