- Chapter 21 -

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Blood. Everywhere, blood was seeping along the floor, falling down cracks in the floor, soaking the random pieces of paper on the floor. Dead bodies everywhere. With shaking hands, he lifted the knife to his own throat. 

Joel sat up quickly, banging his head on the wooden planks above. "OW!" He yelled, rubbing his head. 

A bright light flashed suddenly, and in his shock, Joel tumbled out of the cupboard and onto the floor. "Owww..." He groaned. He looked up suddenly and saw Stacy and her wolves. "Um." Joel said awkwardly. "Hi there."

"What're you doing in a cupboard?" Stacy asked. Joel could tell she was holding in a laugh.

"Shut up," Joel grumbled, which made Stacy laugh out loud.

Joel tried to stand up and fell back down as his hands were scraped by something sharp. One of the wolves ran to his side.

Joel looked up and noticed there was smashed glass all over the floors. Something had happened here. Something bad.

"Stacy-? What happened here?" Joel asked, getting up again and succeeding this time. 

Stacy shrugged. 

Joel looked down below his feet and gasped, taking a step back. There was a puddle of blood underneath him. 

Stacy seemed to spot something and motioned to Joel, who looked left towards the hallway and saw more broken glass.

The two went forward to examine it, while the wolves followed, careful not to step in any glass or blood.

Joel turned to the attic. With a glance at Stacy, who nodded, the two entered the room. 

Stacy and Joel gasped. Three people lay on the ground, covered in blood. FWhip, Gem, and-


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