- Chapter 7 -

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A bright purple flash lit the room. Joel covered his eyes hastily. When the flash had gone, so had Lizzie. All that remained was a rusty old knife that dug into the planks in the place where Lizzie had stood.

"Hey, what happened? Is everyone okay? Is anyone hur-" Gem stopped with a gasp. A hand flew to her mouth as she saw the scene in front of her. FWhip hurried from upstairs and bumped into Gem.

"What just happened?" He asked. "And where did Lizzie go- oh." FWhip and Gem's eyes widened in concern and surprise. 

Scar appeared with a bag of potato chips from the kitchen upstairs. He stopped with a chip halfway to his mouth. Everyone turned to stare at him and he cleared his throat. "Chip, anyone? Or, I have raw fish?"

Grian groaned from somewhere near the door.

Scar's face seemed to light up he ran over to his friend. Then it darkened once he saw the knife in the middle of the floor. "Who died?" He asked.

"L-Lizzie." Joel choked out.

"We think," added FWhip. Joel glared at him. 

"You never know," FWhip continued, "She might still be alive. Orr in the room upstairs that I JUST HEARD A BIT NOISE IN COME ON" He ran off upstairs, closely followed by Gem and Scar. Grian, Mumbo, Etho and Bdubs all ran after, followed slowly by Joel. The closer they got, the more louder the noise was. It sounded like a clashing of pots and pans. Everyone entered the kitchen. 

"This way!" Gem said, running into a big dining hall. The noise went silent. A piercing scream echoed through the house.


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