- Chapter 28 -

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Pearl looked over Joel and Lizzie's shoulders at the top piece of paper. Most of it was ripped out or damaged. She could only make out: 

-HER OWN BROTHER!" Gem screamed. Grian-

It stopped there. Pearl re-read it many times. "What's this with Gem and Grian?" She asked, after re-reading it for about the eighth time. 

Etho, False, Cleo and Joel shrugged. Lizzie stayed quiet, thinking.

"What's on your mind, Liz?" Joel asked his wife, noticing she hadn't moved. 

"This actually happened, didn't it?" Lizzie replied after a moment. "In the mansion, I mean. This must've happened after we- um- died."

"That- that's really smart, actually." Etho said.

"But how do we get there? To the mansion?" False asked, supporting a very tired and strange-acting Cleo on her right shoulder.

"Like this," Joel said, holding out his hands, palms facing upwards. A small burst of blue fire appeared in his palms and surrounded the group. They all disappeared in a whirling mass of blue flame. Halfway through, Pearl felt sick and clutched her stomach and closed her eyes.

At the stench of blood she opened them again. 

The group had landed in some sort of bloodbath scene, it seemed like. Gem and Scar were crouched on the floor over something, Mumbo Jumbolio was huddled in a corner and Bdubs just snored from on the floor. At the sight of Gem, Pearl hurried forwards. "Gem! Gem! You okay, what happen-" Pearl was cut off, seeing what they were hiding.

Grian's... dead body?

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