- Chapter 3 -

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"Ow! Geez! What the he-AAH!" People were edging out from the shadows.

"Shh!" Hands covered Scar's mouth. 

Scar took a closer look around. Jellie crawled out of his sack, meowing sadly. The hands left his mouth. A small gasp echoed through the room.

"Scar?" Came a voice.  A surprised-looking girl stepped out of the shadows.

"Gem? How'd you get here?" Scar asked. His hands went to Jellie's ears.

"I- I woke up in a cupboard..." Gem murmured. She turned a shade of light pink.

Scar smiled slightly. "Wait a minute- Grian's still outside!" He said, eyes widening. He stood up hastily, holding Jellie in his arms. 

Lizzie and Joel came from the shadows as well. "Told you here were two people flying here," Joel whispered to Lizzie. 

Scar turned to the door and started frantically feeling around it again.

"You can't get out of here once your inside," Lizzie said. "Believe me, we've tried."

"Grian can't come in here! He'll get stuck too!" Scar and FWhip said at the same time.

"Why do you think we tried to keep you out?!" Lizzie said angrily.

"You did?" Scar asked. Jellie started meowing again. "GRIAN! GRIAN CAN YOU HEAR ME!?" Scar shouted at the door. 

"That won't work, Scar." Joel said sadly.

"GRIAN! GRIAN!" Scar kept on shouting, despite the murmurs of annoyance from Lizzie and the whispers from Gem and FWhip.

"Scar, please-"

"GRIAN!" Scar's eyes were filling with tears now. He started banging his fist on the door. "GRIAN!"

"Scar! Stop!" Joel grabbed Scar's fist as it was about to smash against the door again. "It's no use! He can't hear you!" 

Scar stepped back from the door. He wiped his hand that wasn't holding Jellie across his face, brushing away any tears. Jellie seemed to sense Scar's sadness and started rubbing her face across his jaw, purring. Scar pulled a package of fish from his sack and gave one to Jellie, who purred louder and ate it. 

Joel rubbed his hand on Scar's back. His eyes were full of sympathy.

Lizzie gasped suddenly.

Everyone turned to face her.

"I think we can help Grian somehow," She said. "Joel! That window upstairs? Where is it?"

"In some sort of big room. It looks over the front yard-"

"Isn't that one broken a bit? Like, cracks everywhere?" Lizzie cut him off.

"Well yeah, but-" Joel got interrupted again.

Lizzie pulled out a book and quill. A pot of ink followed it. She set them on the nearest table and wrote in big, messy handwriting: DO NOT COME INSIDE

Then she ran upstairs, heading for a big room. Everyone followed and by the time they had gotten there, the page had been ripped out and shoved through one of the holes in the window.

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