- Chapter 24 -

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Pearl watched in horror as Cleo hung in the air, twitching every now and then. She heard a sudden commotion outside and looked to see Stacy, Mumbo, Joel and Bdubs all missing, Etho lying on the ground, bleeding and False, who had run out of the room, tending to Etho's wounds.

Pearl's attention went back to Cleo, who was murmuring nonsense and drooping in the air.

"Cleoooo?" Pearl asked quietly, standing up.

Cleo's eyes flashed white, then back to the normal dark green.  After a few moments, she dropped to the ground on her feet. Her eyes glowed a light blue. Cleo... or, rather, what was possessing Cleo, turned her hands over and gazed at them. She looked up and saw Pearl. A look of confusion crossed her face.

"Pearl? What're you doing here?"

Pearl took a step back. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Are you okay?"

Cleo shook her head. "I remember dying? And then- wait- am I-?" Cleo looked at her hands again. "Am I alive again?"

"What- What do you mean, again?" Pearl asked.

Cleo tilted her head, orange hair flopping to the side. Which, when she had noticed, she looked at the ginger locks in awe and confusion. She groaned and facepalmed.

"I'm not even in my own body, am I?"

"What- Cleo-"

"Cleo? Who's Cleo?"

Pearl drew a sword and pointed it to "Cleo"'s chest. "Okay, who are you, and what are you doing to my friend?!"

"It- It's me-" Cleo murmured, stepping back. "It's Lizzie."

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