- Chapter 17 -

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Wolves. Lots of them. They came out from the trees, followed by Bdubs, being held by some girl that was holding a knife to his neck. 

Cleo watched in silence. She felt Pearl and False shuffle beside her.

"Bdubs!" Cleo heard Etho yell. She heard the others who were tied up give gasps and angry shouts.

Cleo motioned to Pearl to hide behind a large boulder. She made False climb a tree by the edge of the clearing. Cleo herself climbed up a particularly tall tree. She aimed with her arrow at the strange girl, but before she could fire, another girl, with a blue-and-white striped shirt stepped out of the trees. She seemed to be controlling the wolves, that girl. So Cleo focused her aim at the new girl instead. Cleo swapped looks with Pearl and False, and, with a nod, fired her arrow and leapt from the tree, keeping to the bushes.

She heard a scream and a couple of angry-sounding barks. Cleo looked up to see she had hit her target in the shoulder. One of the wolves had run to the girl's side.

Cleo caught sight of False struggling to cut a thin tree down and ran over to help, pushing the tree until it fell over in the direction of their targets. 

Cleo saw the youngest wolf dive under the falling tree at the last second.

"He'll never survive that," Cleo whispered to False. False nodded.

The falling tree stopped moving an inch above the two strange girls. 

"What the h-"

The youngest wolf suddenly pushed upwards, flinging the tree in the direction it came from, causing Cleo and False to run out of it's direction.

"HOW DID HE SURVIVE THAT!?" False yelled.

Pearl, Cleo noticed, was trying to untie their friends. Cleo signaled to False and they dove through the bushes, crouching next to Pearl, cutting fellow their hermits and the one random guy from the empires server loose.

"Go, go, go!" Pearl whispered, pushing them all into the trees.

"Bdubs!" Etho yelled. "Let's go!"

But Bdubs had frozen. He stared at the injured girl. Cleo drew her attention to the girl, now, as well. She was being... healed? By a wolf? But how? 

The  girl's injury was sealing itself up. 

Cleo just stated it was plain stupid and her eyes were playing tricks on her, but that couldn't be true cause the next thing she knew, she was on the ground, knocked unconscious by one of the wolves.

Warmth. Tiredness. This must be the best day of her life. Or it would've been, had she not waken up in a cave surrounded by wolves who wanted to kill her. Cleo yelped in shock. She tried getting up, but her legs collapsed, and she was stuck on the ground in a soft blanket. One of the wolves, a female one with glasses on, nudged a small wooden cup filled with tea towards her. Cleo sat up slowly, taking the cup. She poured some of it into her mouth. The wolf with glasses seemed happy, so Cleo gave it a soft pat on the head.

The girl with the flower crown walked into the room.  She smiled. "You're injuries are pretty bad," Said the girl. Cleo noticed she had scrapes and cuts all down her arms. 

"Also, why is your skin green?"

"Because I'm a zombie. Duh."

"Don't zombies burn in the daylight?"

"All the other ones, but not me."

"Hmm." The girl exited the room and came back in a moment later. "I met someone in the forest a while ago," The girl said, and Cleo noticed she was holding a very sharp-looking syringe.

"They said this medicine should heal every really bad injury, if I ever needed to use it. Then they showed me how it works and where to insert it."

"Okay?" Cleo still had doubts about this medicine stuff. "Wait," She said, "Is that a healing potion inside a needle?"

The girl nodded. "That's what the person said."

Cleo felt much safer. "Okay."

The girl stopped suddenly. "Oh, yeah," She laughed. "My name's Seri, these are the wolves, Everest, Basil, Addison, Noah, Tucker aaaaand Wink! Stacy's in the kitchen."

"I'm Cleo," Cleo said.

"Nice to meet you. Oh, here, it's better if you stand up straight." Seri held the needle to Cleo's neck. "Ready?" She asked.


And with that, Seri pushed the so-called 'medicine' into Cleo's neck. Little did she know, they had both made a big mistake...

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