- Chapter 12 -

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Scar woke up in a dark room. His head hurt. Actually, everything hurt. He sat up and looked around. Joel, Lizzie, Bdubs, Etho, Mumbo and FWhip were on the ground. Everyone was here. Except Gem, who was going crazy somewhere else probably. 

"Owww..." Someone groaned. Lizzie sat up. Her eyes met Scar's, and she gave him a questioning look. Scar shrugged.

"Ooh, who are you?" Came a small voice. Scar turned. A small girl with big, purple eyes stared up at him.

"AAAH!" Scar yelled, shocked. Everyone seemed to sit up quickly. Well, everyone except Bdubs, who slowly got up but then quickly scooted backwards into a corner.

"You!" Lizzie and Bdubs said at the same time.

"Me." The girl said.

"Who?" Said everyone else.

"She pushed us into the mansion, Mumbo!" Bdubs said.

"She put ME into the hands of  that- that THING!" Lizzie yelled.

Joel's face twisted in fury.

"I didn't do that. They did." At that moment, thousands of endermen filled the room.

Scar let out another yell as one of them grabbed him, preventing him from escaping from it's grip. 

He heard two other shouts and looked up to see Lizzie and FWhip also being held by endermen.

"Lizzie!" Joel shouted, trying to get her out of the grip of the enderman.

At that moment, Scar realized who was missing. "WAIT!" He shouted.

Everyone stopped and fell silent, turning to look at him.

"Where- Where's Grian?" Scar asked the girl.

"What? Who's Gree-on?" The girl asked. "I know that two of you aren't here, but-"

"Which two of us?" Scar interrupted. 

"The girl that is going haywire, and some random guy with a red sweater."

"That's him!" Mumbo yelled from somewhere in the crowd. "The one with the red sweater!"

The girl cocked her head. She swiped her hand and a small rectangle appeared  in front of Scar.

It was a picture of Grian. But then the picture started moving. "A security camera?" Scar asked.

The girl nodded.

Scar looked back at the picture. Grian was laying on the floor in a box. Scar could see mob parts clogging the "windows"  of the box. He heard hushed voices coming from the security camera. Then he watched as Grian screamed, something stabbing through the floor and through his middle. He watched his friend go limp, clutching his stomach. He saw someone in black appear, and the clip ended. 

Scar stared in disbelief at the girl. He then looked at his feet, eyes filling with tears.

"Scar? What happened?" Mumbo asked. "Scar?"

"Mumbo- he- Grian-" Scar looked up. "He- he's- dead-" Scar choked back a sob.

"LIZZIE!" Joel shouted again. Lizzie had disappeared.

Scar felt the enderman's grip of him tighten. "Ow!" He yelped, struggling to free himself.

He heard someone yell his name, but he was barely aware of anything. He felt tired, his vision was swirling purple. 

Tired? All of a sudden?

"What's- what..." Scar felt too tired to talk anymore. He closed his eyes, accepting defeat.

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