- Chapter 23 -

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Joel ran forward, ignoring the sharp glass over the floor and crouched next to his wife, devastated. He lifted up her head and her blood-stained pink hair fell to the ground. Her blue eyes were glazed and frozen. 

"No no no no no no no..." Stacy murmured, pacing the doorway.

Joel glared at Stacy, who caught his gaze with a look of sympathy. One of the wolves ran forwards to Gem, licking her injuries.

Stacy noticed and ran up beside the wolf. "What is it, Tuck? Is she-?" Stacy was cut off by a yell from the doorway.

Joel turned to see Mumbo and Bdubs, both of them looking quite confused at the scene.

There was a moment in which everyone stared at each other. It lasted for several minutes, until Stacy yelled: "SHE'S ALIVE! SHE'S ALIVE!" 

Stacy then proceeded to grab Gem and put her in a bed. Her wolf was examining FWhip next. Joel and Stacy saw it's eyes sadden and it shook its furry wolf head. The wolf moved on to Lizzie next. It touched its nose to her arm, then examined the injuries. After another moment of silence, this one somewhat broken by Mumbo and Bdubs running in with a plate of food for their unconscious friends, the wolf shook its head again. 

Joel froze. His eyes filled with tears and he was soon crouched over his dead wife, crying and pretending not to be sad but failing ultimately.  Everything else seemed to blur out as he remembered all the times he had spent with the ocean queen... with his wife... how he longed to see her again... 

Joel sat up, an idea popping into his head. He could see her again. But it might be painful. Actually, it would be very painful. Joel reached out and grabbed the knife from the ground.

"Joel-? What are you doing?!" Stacy yelled.

Joel stood up and faced them. He held the knife to his neck and said, "I'm going to see my Ocean Queen." And with one swift movement, everything went black.

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