- Chapter 13 -

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Bdubs watched with horror as Lizzie disappeared in front of him. He heard Scar yell and turned his attention towards him. Scar's eyes seemed to be coated with a layer of purple. Scar mumbled something before slumping on the ground and disappearing. 

Bdubs heard a similar yell and FWhip had vanished. 

"What's happening?" Bdubs yelled.

"I- I don't-" The girl let out a frightened shriek as about five of the endermen grabbed her.

"Are you sure you control them? Or do they control you?" Joel yelled.

The room went silent. Bdubs felt a familiar twisting in his stomach as the group was teleported again. 

He felt someone shaking his shoulders. Bdubs sat up, groaning. The first thing he saw was the look of relief of Etho's face. Then he saw them. Trees. Everywhere, everything was green.

Bdubs let out a gasp of disbelief. "We're out of the mansion?!"

"Nope!" Joel yelled from somewhere. "Just in a big cage with trees."

Bdubs sighed. He felt all is hope drain. Three more people were gone.  Plus, possibly, the mysterious girl that had caused all of this.

He looked down at his hands and yelled with shock. They were grey at the tips. Suddenly, they surged a bright yellow as surprise flew through his body.


"Etho! A little bit of quietness while I FIGURE THIS OUT?" Bdubs yelled. He gasped, his hands slapped against his mouth.

Everyone looked at him and his now red-at-the-tips hands.

"What in the world was that?" Joel asked.

"I don't-" Bdubs yelled as more of his skin turned grey.

"Where's the cure for this?!" Etho yelled.

Everybody started either screaming or yelling. 

"shut UP!" Bdubs yelled suddenly.

Everybody looked at him again, silent.

Not knowing what he had gotten himself into, Bdubs let the rage continue.

"Everyone needs to stop fighting, or we won't figure this out!"

Joel grumbled angrily.

"And maybe YOU," Bdubs growled, narrowing his eyes at Joel. "Can QUIT BEING A PAIN."

Everyone that wasn't already sitting sat down. 


Bdubs felt the cold blade of a sword against his neck. He looked up and saw someone who was half-hiding in the shadows.

"Back away," They said, "Or you'll never see your friend again."

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