- Chapter 16 -

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Bdubs was dragged backwards, tied up. The others were yelling his name, but they were all tied up and stuck to a tree. The entire time, these people had kept to the shadows and not shown themselves.

Bdubs felt himself being thrown and he landed against a tree. 

"Okay, who are you, and what are you doing here?" A girl with a blue-and-white striped shirt stepped out of the shadows, followed by at least six or seven wolves.

"Answer me!" The girl said threateningly.

"Stacy, please don't be so harsh..." another girl stepped out beside her. She wore a flower crown and her skin was an olive-ish colour.

"Why did you tie up me and my friends?" Bdubs asked. He saw through the ropes, his hands turning red.

One of the wolves, a female wolf with a bit of copper along her back, sniffed at Bdubs's hands. Bdubs swatted the wolf away, causing the youngest one to snarl.

"Why did you invade our forest?" The first girl asked. Bdubs could tell she was also angry at him for slapping one of her wolves. 

"I didn't know this was your precious forest! And if I could leave, I would! I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM, OKAY!?"

Both girls looked taken aback. The second one whispered something into the first one's ear and then stepped forward towards Bdubs. "Sorry, sorry. We got off on the wrong foot. I'm Seri, and this is Stacy." She said, smiling warmly.

"Stacy" apparently did not like Bdubs. She showed very little signs of kindness. Also, Bdubs noticed, Stacy was looking at the largest wolf of the pack, the one that seemed to be the alpha, and the wolf starting nodding or shaking it's head.

Stacy sighed. "And these are my wolves." She said, "Everest, Basil, Wink, Noah, Addison and Tucker." Each of the wolves stepped up at their name being said.

Bdubs stared, amazed. "How'd you train them so well?" He asked.

Stacy just laughed. "Train them? They trained me."

Seri stepped forward again, pulling out a knife and crouching next to Bdubs. With one simple movement, she cut the ropes and Bdubs was freed. "C'mon," She said, "Let's go help your friends." 

The three of them ran off towards the clearing when Seri stopped. "Wait, I have an idea." She said, grinning. 

"What?" Bdubs asked.

"One question: Do you like dramatic effect?"

"Well, yeah, I guess-"

"Question two: Do you trust me?"

Bdubs stayed silent for a moment. "Kind of?" He said.

"Good. Now do everything I say."


"Did I say 'um'?"



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